盛世·柯林(Collins House)旨在通过大胆而优雅的地标建筑来完美融入柯林斯街的建筑肌理之中,其修长的尺度彰显了其优雅精致的设计。 Collins House is designed to enhance the western end of Collins Street with a bold and elegant landmark building, which derives its gracefulness from its slender proportions.
The site’s main asset is the well proportioned and decorative heritage building, built in 1908. There is an opportunity to reinstate the original features and enhance the reading of the building through reconnecting internal spaces with the facade proportions, and the use of a well-proportioned entry foyer, connected to the street through the re-instated original entry doors.
通过将塔楼从现有的文化遗产外墙退后并恢复其原有的宏伟建筑,该开发项目试图在街道层面和城市天际线中创建地标性建筑。 极其狭窄的场地需要重新考虑高层建筑的结构。通过将创新的结构体系与Z先进的建筑技术相结合,我们已重塑了这座高层建筑。
By setting the tower back from the existing heritage facade and reinstating its original grandeur, the development seeks to create a landmark building both at street level and in the city skyline context. The particularly narrow site required a rethinking of the structure of tall buildings. Through an inventive structural system combined with cutting edge construction techniques, we have been able to completely reinvent the tall tower.
The starting point in the design of the building is the expression and refinement of the structural system. The H-shaped vertical concrete structure is over-clad with glass as a bold but elegant form. This is accompanied by a crisply detailed component that cantilevers over the air rights of the adjoining building, creating a unified and uniform skin over the eastern elevation.
Exemplary amenities are located at Levels 3 and 27, with the provision of a luxurious resident lounge with terraced area and gym facilities overlooking the city.
建筑师:Bates Smart 地点:澳大利亚 墨尔本 面积:31800平方米
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