
Grand Hyatt Guangzhou | Urban Story - Piacere

发表于 2020-6-16 22:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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Grand Hyatt Guangzhou

Urban Story - Piacere

Situated in Guangzhou's new central business district of Zhujiang New Town, Grand Hyatt Guangzhou is located in one wing of a streamlined twin-tower building. The hotel's understated facade contains cutting-edge new architectural features, exterior design devised by Goettsch Partners and interior design by Remedios, who has won accolades for his work on Grand Hyatt Tokyo, among other hotel projects.

Located on the 3rd floor, the VIP room is fully enclosed to the Grand Ball Room which can meet your flexible needs. Our experienced event catering team will ensure that your event is an unforgettable one with their dedication, creativity and the sophisticated facilities

With these videos, 【PAPER】showcases the exquisite life of five-star hotels and inspire our audience to experience the unique bustle and romance in the urban.


都市故事 - 相识篇

座落于美丽的花城广场一侧,广州富力君悦大酒店位处珠江新城的商务中心区,是珠江三角洲顶级的商务及社交场所。高贵典雅的酒店外观由美国著名建筑设计公司Goettsch Partners 操刀完成,室内时尚简约的设计、现代与自然的巧妙融合,将这一座双塔式建筑打造为一个令人惊奇的建筑,处处流露着低调的奢华。









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