以色列设计师Erez Hyatt专注于极简主义和功能创造,基于非常复杂和精确的设计。设计空间对他来说是一门艺术,总是渴望留下一个明显的印记。Erez Hyatt是ErezHyatt设计事务所的创始人,并担任该公司的董事和设计总监。 Israel designer when Erez Hyatt focus on minimalism and functions to create, based on a very complicated and precise design. Design space is an art, for he is always eager to leave an obvious mark. When Erez Hyatt was the founder of the ErezHyatt design firm, and served as director of the company's directors and design. Erez Hyatt新完成的别墅项目,这是Erez Hyatt摒弃最擅长的黑白灰色调,大量运用金色与原木,以及多种材质的碰撞,赋予这个家更多奢华的质感,丰富视觉感受的同时,增强空间的高级感。 When Erez Hyatt new complete villa project, this is when Erez Hyatt abandon the best black and white and gray tone, a large number of using gold and log, a variety of materials and collision, give this home more luxurious texture, rich feeling at the same time, strengthen the high feeling of the space.Erez Hyatt去年完成的独立住宅,室内面积130平米,并拥有180平米超大露台,设计师运用其独特的而简练的设计语言,创造了一个富有人文与艺术气质的家,这个家是低调而奢华的,空间连续,材质统一,带给人宁静与舒适感。 When Erez Hyatt last year completed independent residential, indoor area of 130 square meters, and owns 180 square meters large gazebo, stylist USES its unique and elegant design language, to create a rich cultural and artistic temperament of the home, the home is a low-key and luxurious, continuous space, material and unified, brings peace and comfort.这套住宅室内面积356㎡,露台面积90㎡,整个开放的空间用灰色和木色为主调,木色板面搭配黑色的层架,形成了极强的视觉冲击力,让整个设计具有脱俗的品位,简约而有格调。 This set of housing construction area of 356 ㎡, the balcony area of 90 ㎡, the whole open space and color gives priority to tone with gray, the layer of black color panel collocation, formed a strong visual impact, make the whole design has refined taste, contracted style.
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