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Dover cruise port (part of Port Dover) is ranked UK's second largest passenger seaport (ferry and cruise) - after Southampton. Dover is also homeport of the British shipping company P&O Ferries (23 daily crossings to Calais). Another major passenger shipping company from Dover is the Danish DFDS Seaways with several daily crossings to France (15 to Calais and 12 to Dunkerque).

多佛邮轮港(多佛港的一部分)是英国仅次于南安普顿的第二大客运港口(渡轮和邮轮)。多佛也是英国轮船公司P&O Ferries的母港(每天有23班渡轮前往加来)。多佛另一个主要的客运公司是丹麦的DFDS海运公司,每天有几班横渡法国(15班到加莱,12班到敦刻尔克)。

Calais offers quick road and rail access to Paris City. Dunkerque (Dunkirk) is just 10 km (6 mi) away from the border with Belgium (1-hour drive distance from Bruges). Ferry travel times are 1,5 hours (to Calais) and 2 hours (to Dunkirk). The Dover-Dunkirk route is served with 3 ships - DELFT SEAWAYS, DOVER SEAWAYS and DUNKERQUE SEAWAYS.


Occasionally, Fred Olsen and Saga UK offer "Mystery Cruise" deals on roundtrips from Dover. The itinerary is unique as its ports of call are not officially announced by the company prior the voyage. For 2021, Hurtigruten scheduled roundtrip cruise departures from the UK with homeporting in Dover (embarkation port).

Fred Olsen和Saga UK偶尔会在多佛提供往返“神秘邮轮”优惠。该行程是独一无二的,因为公司在航行前并未正式宣布其停靠港。2021年,海达路德计划从英国出发,在多佛(登船港)回国。


Port Dover UK

The seaport was established in 1606 by a Royal Charter and is currently operated by "Dover Harbor Board". Along with its 2 cruise terminals, Port Dover also has passenger ferry terminals, 2 cargo terminals, 1 boating (yacht) marina, its own police force. Located at English Channel's narrowest point, Dover has world's busiest shipping lanes with ferries constantly crossing between UK and France. Channel's width here is approx 30 km (20 mi).

该海港于 1606 年根据皇家宪章建立,目前由“多佛港委员会”运营。除了 2 个邮轮码头外,多佛港还拥有客运渡轮码头、2 个货运码头、1 个划船(游艇)码头和自己的警察部队。多佛位于英吉利海峡最窄处,拥有世界上最繁忙的航道,渡轮不断穿梭于英国和法国之间。此处海峡的宽度约为 30 公里(20 英里)。

The port is located on England's southern coast. It is approx 65 mi (105 km) from London and approx 21 mi (34 km) from Calais France. The cruise port schedule shows itineraries mainly during the summer months (April through late October). Passenger ships leave out of Dover on 4-day short breaks, as well as 7-day or 14-day cruises to the Canary Islands, Around Britain (British Isles), also to mainland Europe (Baltic, Norway Fjords, Atlantic Coast), Mediterranean, Iceland and Greenland. Due to the port's strategic position on the English Channel, it was nicknamed “the Lock and Key of England”.

该港口位于英格兰南部海岸。距伦敦约 65 英里(105 公里),距法国加来约 21 英里(34 公里)。邮轮港口时间表主要显示夏季(4 月至 10 月下旬)的行程。客轮从多佛出发,进行4天的短暂休息,以及7天或14天的巡航,前往加那利群岛、环绕不列颠群岛,也前往欧洲大陆(波罗的海、挪威峡湾、大西洋海岸),地中海、冰岛和格陵兰岛。由于该港口在英吉利海峡的战略地位,它被称为“英格兰的锁和钥匙”。

Port Dover handles annually shipping trade valued at around GBP 122 billion, which is roughly 17% of the UK's trade in goods.

多佛港每年处理价值约 1220 亿英镑的航运贸易,约占英国货物贸易的 17%。

Dover is one of the 3 UK cruise ports used for visiting London City - together with London docks and Tilbury.


On May 11, 2012, the port welcomed the inaugural visit of the Royal Caribbean ship Brilliance of the Seas.


On July 18, 2012, the port hosted the Olympic Torch Relay event. It consisted of the Torch Relay, followed by a stage show and a fireworks display.


On September 8, 2014, the port's tugboats performed a farewell salute (with water cannons) for the Holland America ship MS Ryndam. The ship departed Dover for the very last time. In November 2015, the ship joined the P&O Australia's fleet under the name Pacific Aria.

2014年9月8日,该港口的拖轮为荷兰-美国“MS Ryndam”号表演了告别礼(用高压水炮)。这艘船最后一次离开多佛。2015年11月,该船以Pacific Aria的名称加入P&O澳大利亚舰队。

On June 5, 2016, the Disney Magic ship departed from Dover on its first-ever British Isles cruise. The 12-night itinerary had scheduled ports of call Invergordon, Kirkwall, Greenock-Glasgow, Newcastle, Liverpool, Dublin, Le Havre-Paris and Guernsey (Channel Islands). The ship also did two 12-night cruises to Iceland with included overnight stays in Reykjavik plus stopping in Akureyri. The May 29 itinerary from Dover was a 7-day round-trip to the Norwegian Fjords visiting Stavanger, Alesund, Geiranger and Bergen.


In mid-March 2018, the company Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd was awarded a GBP 15 million contract to build a Refrigerated Cargo Terminal.

2018 年 3 月中旬,白金汉集团承包有限公司获得了一份价值 1500 万英镑的合同,用于建造一个冷藏货运码头。

The new multi-purpose facility is sized 9630 m2 (103,650 ft2) and is part of the "Dover Western Docks Revival" (port development project).

新的多功能设施面积为 9630 平方米(103,650 平方英尺),是“多佛西部码头复兴”(港口开发项目)的一部分。

The building consists of 8 individually temperature-controlled chambers with 20 dock levellers. It was required to produce quick turnaround for the port's cargo customers, thus increasing the overall volumes of the shipping trade.

该建筑由 8 个独立温控室和 20 个装卸平台组成。需要为港口的货物客户提供快速周转,从而增加航运贸易的整体数量。

Opened in December 2019, the new cargo terminal has a new infrastructure with 2 dedicated berths and "Gottwald 5" mobile harbour cranes.

新货运码头于 2019 年 12 月启用,拥有新的基础设施,配备 2 个专用泊位和“Gottwald 5”移动式港口起重机。

Following the Coronavirus crisis, in 2022 the cruise port reported a record year with booked 130 ship calls, including 73 turnarounds/roundtrips and 11 inaugurals/maiden visits. Among the inaugurals was Carnival Pride (June 10th) which was CCL-Carnival Cruise Line’s first port call since 2013.

在新冠病毒危机之后,2022 年邮轮港口报告了创纪录的一年,预订了 130 艘邮轮,其中包括 73 次周转/往返和 11 次首次访问。6月10日的嘉年华游行是华侨城嘉年华邮轮公司自2013年以来的首次停靠。


翻译:大桔子   排版:大桔子



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