“酒店人”看过来!本周最新一期酒店高层任命盘点来袭;快来为您喜爱的酒店高管投上热情的一票。投票截止日期:2021年9月16日。欢迎右下角写评论与小编交流心得! 于军先生 温州三和开元大酒店 总经理
近日,温州三和开元大酒店宣布委任于军先生为温州三和开元大酒店总经理,全面负责酒店的管理及运营工作。 于军先生拥有二十余年的酒店从业经验,他的足迹遍布海南、广东、浙江、吉林、湖南等省市,履新前在长沙灰汤君澜温泉度假酒店担任总经理一职。他在增强宾客体验、酒店可持续性质量改进,以及人才发展方面创造了优秀的成果,并得到了业主及集团的认可。不同城市及酒店集团的履职经历为于军先生提供了丰富的酒店运营及管理经验,未来,他将以他敏锐的市场洞察力,积极严谨的工作态度,以及出色的团队领导力,带领酒店团队不断创造新的突破与卓越成绩。桑德士(Frank Sanders)先生 金茂深圳JW万豪酒店 总经理
近日,金茂深圳JW万豪酒店任命桑德士先生(Mr. Frank Sanders)为总经理。 近日,金茂深圳JW万豪酒店正式任命桑德士先生为酒店总经理,他将全面统筹酒店的运营及管理工作。桑德士先生拥有近20年的酒店行业管理经验,自1999年投身酒店行业开始,他在万豪集团开启了他多彩的职业生涯,服务过包括万豪、万丽和JW万豪等品牌,足迹遍布中国多个城市和西班牙、卡塔尔、越南等国家和地区。金茂深圳JW万豪酒店将会是他在深圳管理的第一家酒店。金茂深圳JW万豪酒店座落于深南大道福田商业中心地段, 临近广深高速路口、福田口岸及各主要旅游景点,距深圳宝安国际机场仅25分钟车程, 离地铁、公交系统数步之遥,交通极为便利。酒店于2021年1月完成了全部客房的装修升级,重新装潢的各式客房,设计现代、宽敞华丽,更有百变的第三空间客房,禅茶、瑜伽、亲子空间灵活转换,宜静宜动,为宾客营造舒适的人性化办公、居停空间。相信在桑德士先生的带领下,凭借他丰富的酒店管理经验以及运营特长将引领金茂深圳JW万豪酒店迈向新的里程碑。The JW Marriott Hotel Shenzhen is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Frank Sanders to the position of General Manager.JW Marriott Hotel Shenzhen has recently appointed Mr. Frank Sanders as General Manager. Mr.Sanders has extensive experience in the hospitality industry spanning two decades. A Marriott International veteran, he joined the company back in 1999 and made his steps into many countries such as China, Vietnam, Qatar and Spain.This will be Mr. Sanders’ first assignment in Shenzhen.Located in the center o fFutian District, Shenzhen, the hotel is 25-minute drive from Shenzhen Baoan International Airport and is accessible to new metro system. It is also adjacent to various tourist attractions and important ports.The hotel completed the renovation and upgrading of all the guest rooms in January 2021. The redecorated guest rooms are modern, spacious and gorgeous, and there is a variety of third space guestrooms. The space for Zen tea, yoga and parents can be flexibly changed, whichis suitable for static and dynamic, so as to create a comfortable and user-friendly office, residence and stop space for guests.We believe that Mr. Sanders will lead the teamto achieve greater performance with his abundance of experience and outstanding leadership skills.林志永先生 西安君悦酒店 总经理
近日,西安君悦酒店正式任命林志永先生出任总经理一职,将全面负责酒店的整体运营及战略发展工作。 作为一位资深的酒店管理专业人士,林先生于1988 年加入广州中国大酒店,开启了他的酒店职业生涯,从初级管理者到经验丰富的餐饮部总监,林先生在万豪集团从事餐饮管理工作超过 16 年的时间,积累了坚实的运营工作经验及管理经验。2009 年,他决定离开广州,去往上海新发展亚太 JW 万豪酒店,任职餐饮部总监。两年后,顺利晋升至万豪集团办公室担任运营总监一职,并负责多个城市 6 家酒店的筹开工作。此次,加入西安君悦酒店前,林先生先后在惠州富力万丽酒店、上海新发展亚太 JW 万豪酒店和深圳博林天瑞喜来登酒店担任总经理一职。我们相信凭借林先生丰富的管理经验及杰出的领导力,将带领西安君悦酒店稳健提升发展,创造更多的辉煌业绩。并为宾客提供关怀备至的服务,及丰富而难忘的旅行入住体验。刘飏先生 苏州湾恒力国际酒店 总经理
近日,乾量酒管正式任命刘飏先生为苏州湾恒力国际酒店总经理,全面负责酒店的筹备开业及运营管理工作,凭借其独到见解与创新思维,带领团队将以仁爱文化服务理念为宾客创造亲情服务体验。 刘飏先生拥有24年的酒店从业经验,管理运营数家高星级酒店,在跨地域数年的工作中铸就了刘飏先生具备卓越战略性思维和迅速掌握市场的敏锐观察力。他非常注重客户与员工的仁爱关怀,善于激发团队潜力,对工作充满热情,因地制宜,带领酒店团队不断创造新突破并取得优异成绩。刘飏先生爱好中国传统医道,深谙“医者意也”,热爱生活的方式不拘一格,以独特敏锐市场视角运营酒店。我们相信苏州湾恒力国际酒店团队将在刘飏先生带领下,共同为客人缔造卓越江南之旅。Recently, the dry wine manager officially
appointed Andy Liu as the general manager of Suzhou Bay Hengli Grand
Hotel. He is fully responsible for the hotel’s preparations for opening and operation management.
With his unique insights and innovative thinking, he will lead the team to
serve guests with the concept of benevolent culture. Create a family service
experience.Andy Liu has 24 years of experience in the
hotel industry, managing and operating several high-star hotels, and has been
working across regions for several years. Forged Mr. Liu Shao has excellent
strategic thinking and keen observation ability to quickly grasp the market. He
attaches great importance to the benevolent care of customers and employees, is
good at stimulating the potential of the team, is enthusiastic about work,
adapts measures to local conditions, and leads the hotel team to continuously
create new breakthroughs and achieve excellent results.Andy loves traditional Chinese medicine, is
well versed in "the doctor's will", loves life in an eclectic way,
and operates the hotel with a unique and keen market perspective. We believe
that the Suzhou Bay Hengli Grand Hotel team will, under the leadership of Andy,
jointly create an outstanding journey to the south of the Yangtze River for the
guests.Suzhou Bay Hengli Grand Hotel expected to open
in the fourth quarter of 2021.阮兆军先生 安徽高速玛丽蒂姆酒店 总经理
近日,阮兆军先生(Mr. Edward Ruan)出任安徽高速玛丽蒂姆酒店总经理一职,全面负责酒店的日常经营和战略管理工作。 阮兆军先生拥有超过18年酒店运营及管理经验。他从基层培训生做起,以严谨认真、注重质量、追求完美的工作态度,先后就职于洲际,丽笙,金鹰等多个酒店集团,积累了丰富的豪华酒店管理及运营的经验,在经营管理、市场战略、宾客满意度、人才培养及员工满意度等方面均取得了卓越的成果。凭借资深的酒店运营管理的经验和不断学习、努力开拓的精神,阮兆军先生将带领安徽高速玛丽蒂姆酒店团队进一步提升酒店管理与服务水平,扩大酒店的市场影响力,引领酒店踏入新的里程。We are pleased to announce that Mr. Edward
Ruan is appointed to be General Manager of Maritim Hotel Hefei, leading
team to push the envelope of the hospitality.Edward has more than 18 years of hotel
management experiences. With his rigorous and quality-oriented attitude as well
as professionalism, he has taken executive positions in many well-known hotel
groups including IHG, Marriott and Golden Eagle Group. His professionalism
drives him to achieve outstanding performance in operational effectiveness,
revenue increment, talent development and more. Under Edward’s management, Maritim Hotel Hefei is going to further
improve service quality and enhance guests’ satisfaction,
leading the team to next milestone. 李理先生 雅高集团 大中华区发展与战略合作高级副总裁
雅高集团任命李理先生担任大中华区发展与战略合作高级副总裁。李理先生于2021年5月加入雅高集团。他拥有25年丰富的酒店管理经验,专注高端及中端酒店项目发展、特许经营模式以及其他战略合作机会。 李理先生凭着对合作关系的深刻见解,以及对市场知识的丰厚积累而为业界熟知。李理先生毕业于西安交通大学旅游与酒店管理专业,曾于多家企业担纲领导职务,包括于国有企业的酒店部门担任领导职务,以及万豪国际酒店集团出任发展部副总裁。他被誉为大中华区表现出色的典范团队主管之一。Accor has appointed
Steven Li Senior Vice President of Development and Strategic Partnerships,
Greater China. Steven Li joined Accor in May 2021 with 25 years of
multi-functional hospitality experience as he focuses on the development of
premium and midscale projects, master franchise and franchise deals, as well as
strategic partnership opportunities.Steven has earned a
reputation for his relationship savvy and profound market knowledge. A Bachelor
Degree holder in tourism and hotel management from Xi’An Jiaotong University,
Steven held different leadership positions including within the Hotel Division
of a Chinese state-owned enterprise as well as a senior development role with
Marriott International. Steven is regarded as one of the highest performing and
exemplary team leaders in Greater China today.魏龙江先生 雅高集团 大中华区奢华及生活时尚品牌发展高级副总裁
雅高集团任命魏龙江先生担任大中华区奢华及生活时尚品牌发展高级副总裁。魏龙江先生是大中华区奢华品牌签约专家,负责主导推进集团在顶级奢华、奢华及生活时尚酒店品牌领域的发展。 魏龙江先生曾于中国民航江苏省管理局任职,之后投身酒店行业。从康奈尔大学毕业后,他开始从事酒店管理与发展工作。魏龙江先生曾在浩华管理顾问公司担任顾问,后于万豪国际酒店集团担任发展总监。随后,魏龙江先生于希尔顿全球酒店集团任职10年,在奢华和生活时尚酒店品牌领域建树颇丰,曾带领多个国际品牌于中国首发。Accor has appointed James Wei Senior Vice President of Development, Luxury & Lifestyle, Greater China. James Wei is a master at executing deals with luxury brands as he spearheads development in the high-end luxury, luxury and lifestyle sectors.James worked for Jiangsu Province Civil Aviation Administration before pursuing his passion for hospitality. After graduating from Cornell University, James has been on an executive track with hotel management and development. He first consulted for Horwath Hotel, Tourism and Leisure before securing a development directorial role for Marriott International. He later joined Hilton Worldwide where for a decade, he garnered outstanding achievements, particularly in the luxury and lifestyle sectors,including his orchestrating the arrival of several first international branded hotels to China. 随国瑞先生 苏州湾恒力国际酒店 总经理助理
近日,苏州湾恒力国际酒店正式宣布任命随国瑞(Gary Sui)先生为酒店总经理助理,协助总经理管理酒店日常运营。 随国瑞先生在酒店业拥有18年丰富的餐饮及宴会运营管理经验。2003年他的酒店生涯正式开始,他曾在青岛海景花园大酒店、同里湖度假村等国内口碑名列前茅的酒店担任餐饮总监、房务总监、总经理助理等职务,参与了同里湖度假村二期的筹备筹开工作,他对于餐饮服务创新、大型活动策划指挥、VIP接待、成本预算把控、新项目的筹备筹开、人员培养等有着丰富的管理经验,同时他也参与完成了2008年奥运会(青岛帆船赛英国队)、国际海军节、恒力集团项目奠基仪式等大型多次接待任务。同时2021年他又以出色的成绩完成了IHMA饭店业高级职业经理人的学业。之后,随国瑞先生加入苏州湾恒力国际酒店,凭借着深厚的餐饮背景及独到的见解,再次成为总经理的左膀右臂。对于随国瑞先生的加入,总经理刘飏先生表示:“我非常欢迎随国瑞先生加入苏州湾恒力国际酒店这个大家庭。我们相信凭借随国瑞先生对酒店营运及餐饮的丰富经验,追求效率及高品质的服务,并时刻关注宾客满意度,定能同团队为每一位宾客提供以仁爱文化为核心的亲情服务,再创佳绩。”马宁先生 广州W酒店 市场销售总监
近日,广州W酒店非常荣幸正式任命马宁先生为市场销售总监,全面负责酒店的营销管理及市场运营工作。 马宁先生拥有超过17年的国际酒店从业经验,足迹遍及海外及中国内地等不同地区,曾效力于香格里拉酒店集团,洲际酒店集团,文华东方酒店集团以及凯悦酒店集团等多家国际酒店,凭着其极强的责任心和执行力,为他积累了广阔的人脉和夯实的业务基础。在加入广州W酒店之前,马宁先生任职于深圳机场凯悦酒店,而此次履新,他将为广州W酒店注入新活力,把他丰富的经验、卓越的技能以及对W酒店品牌无比的热情带到广州,致力为广州W酒店再创非凡业绩。马宁先生说:“我一直是一个冒险家,喜欢各种户外活动,渴望生活的多样性,我追求倜傥不羁的生活方式,也许西装革履掩盖了我的刺青,但是我特立独行的生活方式一直让我从不墨守成规,敢于突破传统。加入W品牌,实现了我对生活不断超越的渴望,而W的随时/随需服务、时下至潮至新的音乐、精彩纷呈的时尚夜生活和开创性的前瞻设计,让我充满信心与激情!凭借资深的宴会和销售背景以及多家酒店丰富的管理经验,马宁先生将通过其高效的领导能力带领广州W酒店市场销售部团队取得更好的成绩。Recently, W Guangzhou is delighted to
announce the appointment of Mr. Edwin Ma as Director of Sales and Marketing,
who is fully responsible for the hotel management including sales strategy,
hotel product and marketing development and promotion, brand marketing, etc…With more than 17 years’ experience in the luxury
hospitality industry, Edwin experience spans oversea and China, including
Shangri-La Group, Intercontinental Hotel Groups, Mandarin Oriental Group and
Hyatt Hotel Group where he gained extensive resources and solid understanding
of the market. Prior to this assignment, Edwin worked at Hyatt Regency Shenzhen
Airport, where he led the team with his own unique understanding and continuous
innovation. With his sharp market insight and progressive experience, Edwin
will constantly lead W Guangzhou’s sales and marketing
team to achieve impressive sales performance, created extraordinary marketing
influence.Edwin said: “as an explorer, I love outdoor activities, I pursue
the new and a playful irreverent approach to life. Maybe the undercover rebels
hide my tattoos under suites, but I thrive on bending the rules and upending
the expected. Joining W Brand, I ignite an obsessive desire to soak it in and
live it up and I am confident and passionate to set the pulse for the team by
re-energizing the sought-after W experience with the innovative
Whatever/Whenever philosophy and W’s passion points.”With his efficient execution, leadership
skills and strong background in sales and marketing, there is no doubt that
Edwin will lead the team of W Guangzhou to another success! 张海东先生 集团冠寓及酒店发展部 酒店业务团队市场营销总监
集团冠寓及酒店发展部正式任命张海东先生担任酒店业务团队市场营销总监一职,负责集团酒店业务部的市场营销工作。 张海东先生拥有 12 年的高端酒店从业经历,曾先后任职于北京王府井希尔顿酒店、北京康莱德酒店、成都希尔顿酒店,成都希尔顿逸林酒店。拥有丰富的市场营销经验,对酒店的业务发展、扩展、品牌传播和市场口碑有着深刻的洞察和见地。在疫情期间,他所任职的酒店不仅快速找到适合的营销策略,迅速地实现业绩复苏,甚至超越疫情前的业绩水平。除传统的酒店营销方式之外,他还积极拥抱电子商务营销和跨界合作营销,在创新营销方面取得了卓越的成绩。我们相信,在加入集团酒店业务团队之后,张海东先生将以他丰富的经验和对酒店市场发展深刻的洞察力,与酒店业务团队一起共同成长,再创佳绩。
苏旭先生 海口华彩华邑酒店 餐饮总监
海口华彩华邑酒店正式任命苏旭先生担任酒店餐饮总监一职位,他将全面负责海口华彩华邑酒店的餐饮服务及厨房运营管理工作。 苏旭先生拥有超过12年的奢华品牌酒店从业工作经验,他曾先后效力于洲际酒店集团的洲际品牌、皇冠假日品牌和英迪格品牌,万豪集团及希尔顿集团旗下酒店,并拥有外派海外工作经历,让他在酒店餐饮运营方面积累了丰富的工作经验和执行能力,培养了其独特的餐饮理念及市场洞察力。乐于创新及探索本地餐饮文化的他,喜爱在旅行中发现美食奥秘,在阅读中增长知识。旅行和阅读让自己有更多时间思考,同时也热衷在不同地域探索更多新鲜餐饮信息和元素,以丰富他的阅历,并充分地应用于工作生活中。我们坚信苏旭先生将保持他对酒店行业的热忱,运用专业的知识和丰富的运营管理经验,将带领酒店餐饮及厨师团队创造佳绩。武卫东先生 武汉万达瑞华酒店 行政总厨
近日,武汉万达瑞华酒店正式任命武卫东先生担任酒店行政总厨一职,全面负责酒店厨房日常运营及厨师团队管理工作。 武卫东先生拥有近30年的烹饪经验,其中拥有10余年行政总厨管理经验。他先后在中国大饭店、北京香格里拉嘉里、北京柏悦、长春香格里拉大酒店、呼和浩特香格里拉大酒店、郑州富力万达文华酒店等担任行政总厨一职,带领团队创新菜品,为宾客创造新颖独特的珍馐美馔,并获得了卓越的成绩。“因为热爱,所以坚持”。精通欧洲、亚洲及中式菜肴烹饪之道的武卫东谈及美食便满腔热忱。他提到:“我喜欢与客人沟通,通过沟通了解他们的需求,并根据其需求对食品进行改良提升。我希望我的团队都能在灵活变通中将灵气和地方特色注入美食,让客人因为品尝到我们所烹饪的美食而感到愉悦。”相信武卫东先生将以他执着的匠心精神和不凡的管理经验,带领武汉万达瑞华酒店的厨师团队为宾客带来更加非凡的美食体验。孙斌先生(Mr. Jim Sun) 杭州和达希尔顿逸林酒店 行政总厨
近日,杭州和达希尔顿逸林酒店任命孙斌先生(Mr. Jim Sun)担任酒店行政总厨一职。 拥有超过28年酒店餐饮从业经验的孙斌先生,出生于杭州的他,入行以来接触并且钻研杭州本帮菜及周边江浙菜,其工作足迹遍布于多家香格里拉酒店,包括杭州,长春,包头,常州、南京等地。为了把国际美食更好的带给国内客人,孙斌先生先后赶赴意大利,迪拜等多国进行研究学习。从菜式创新到出品、厨房管理、大型宴会等方面都拥有丰富的经验。从涉足烹饪开始,孙斌先生专注于美食的选材及料理手法、结合杭州本地特色研制新派融合菜。一直以来,凭借他对美食的热爱与执着,他的精湛出品让他在服务过的多家酒店中获得来自各方食客的高度认可与赞赏。在加入杭州和达希尔顿逸林酒店之前,孙斌先生就职于南京香格里拉酒店担任行政总厨。我们相信,孙斌先生在加入杭州和达希尔顿逸林酒店后,凭借他创新融合的理念、专业的知识、丰富的管理经验和对美食的热爱,为酒店注入新鲜的活力,带领团队为宾客们缔造精致的美食艺术和全新的味觉享受。始终延续“与逸林,温暖相迎”的待客之道,努力成为更受消费者喜爱的酒店品牌!李巍先生 延安荣民万豪酒店群 行政总厨
近日,荣民控股集团任命李巍先生(David Li)为延安荣民万豪酒店群的行政总厨,全面负责延安荣民喜来登酒店、延安荣民万怡酒店、延安荣民万枫酒店以及延安荣民会议中心四座建筑群的餐饮出品,并监管餐饮服务品质。 李巍先生拥有20余年高端品牌酒店从业经验,服务过多家国际知名酒店集团,并曾在新加坡、广东、北京、山东等地的国际品牌酒店任职行政总厨。多年国内外的工作经历,不仅锤炼了李巍先生的精湛厨艺,更提升了他对餐饮出品的深层理解和国际化视野。李巍先生擅长将国际最新潮的产品设计和本地特色相结合,打造独具匠心的饕餮盛宴。凭借出色厨艺,李巍先生曾获得“世界御厨蓝带勋章”、“国际蓝带艺术烹饪大师”等荣誉,并担任世界厨皇美食会大中华区理事会中国区副主席兼东北分会会长,陕西省养生协会第四届理事会理事。此次履新,相信李巍先生会带领餐饮团队,不断探索和创新,充分发挥他的经验和才能,在延安树立起餐饮的新标杆,为延安人民带来耳目一新的味蕾革命。Recently, Rongmin Holding Group appointed
Mr. David Li as the Executive Chef of Yan’an Marriott Complex Hotels. He is fully responsible
for the food and beverage production of Sheraton Yan’an
Hotel, Courtyard Yan’an Hotel, Fairfield Yan’an hotel & Yan’an Conference Center, as
well as managing the quality of food and beverage service. Mr. David Li has more than 20 years’ experience in high-end
brand hotels. He has served many famous international hotel groups and served
as Executive Chef in international brand hotels in Singapore, Guangdong,
Beijing, Shandong and other places. With many years of working experience both
in China and abroad, he improved his deep understanding of F&B
production and extended his international insight in F&B. Mr. David Li is always focus on combining
the latest international product design with local characteristics to create
out a unique gourmet feast. With excellent skills, Mr. David Li has won the
"World Imperial Kitchen Blue Ribbon Medal", "International Blue
Ribbon Art Cooking Master" awards, and served as the Vice chairman of
greater China Regional Council of World Cooking & Kitchen Food Association
(WCKFA), the member of Fourth council of Shaanxi Health Association. For the
new onboarding, Mr. David Li will constantly be insist on exploring and
innovating together with his team, raise his experience and talent, build up a
new benchmark in Yan’an catering, bring a
fresh taste bud revolution for Yan’an
dwellings. 辜超先生 成都托尼洛·兰博基尼酒店 安全保障经理
近期,成都托尼洛·兰博基尼酒店宣布任命辜超先生 ( Mr. Evan Gu) 为酒店安全保障经理,全面负责酒店安保运营工作。辜超先生在国际酒店集团任职已有20余年,曾先后在香格里拉、钓鱼台美高梅、洲际及万豪等国际知名酒店管理集团旗下酒店任职,期间积累了非常丰富的开业筹备经验和安保运营工作管理经验。在他看来,酒店安全管理工作是酒店经营、服务、效益的基本前提和重要保障。随着科技和酒店行业不断发展,安全管理工作领域正面临更高难度的挑战。坚持“夯实基础、健全制度、规范管理、探索创新”的理念,贯彻和落实相应政策和法规,辜超先生将带领整个团队做好酒店安全保障工作。Tonino Lamborghini Hotel Chengdu is pleased
to announce the appointment of Mr. Evan Gu as the Security Manager.With more than 20 years of working
experience in well know international hotel group including Shangri-la,
Diaoyutai MGM, InterContinental and Marriott, he accumulated rich experiences
in pre-opening and security operation management.He believes security management is the
basic premise and priority of hotel operation, service and performance. With
the development of science technology and hotel industry, security management
is facing more complicated challenges. By living up to the concept of
" Foundation Consolidation, System Improvement, Standardized Management, Exploration
and Innovation", as well as implementing relevant policies and
regulations, Mr. Gu will lead the team to do well in ensuring hotel safety and
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本次获得奖品如下: 1、最佳人气总经理将获得“酒店咖”独家专访一次,以及神秘礼物一份; 2、投票并转发朋友圈获点赞数第一名者将获:名联猎头提供的独家神秘礼物一份; 3、留言获得点赞数第一名者将获:名联猎头提供的独家神秘礼物一份;
往期精彩: 【酒店任命】首旅、洲际、凯悦、兰博基尼、喜来登店等最新任命信息,为人气投票