

发表于 2021-9-6 08:35:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Mystic Cruises is a new cruise company (Oporto Portugal-based subsidiary) owned by Mystic Invest SGPS SA (shipowner). The parent company is the Ferreira family-owned Portuguese financial holding with brands mainly in the travel tourism and leisure industries.


Currently, Mystic Invest fully owns four cruise shipping companies (and travel brands) - Mystic Cruises (USA), Atlas Ocean Voyages (North America/fleet), Nicko Cruises (Germany/fleet) and DouroAzul (Portugal-based river cruises).

目前,神秘投资公司全资拥有四家邮轮公司(以及旅游品牌)——神秘邮轮(美国)、Atlas Ocean Voyages(北美/船队)、尼克邮轮(德国/船队)和 DouroAzul(葡萄牙的内河游轮)。

图 | 神秘邮轮logo

Due to the Coronavirus crisis, all Mystic-owned cruise brands (Nicko, DouroAzul, AOV-Atlas Ocean) canceled voyages fleetwide between March 2020 and May 2021.

由于冠状病毒危机,所有神秘公司旗下的邮轮品牌(尼克邮轮、DouroAzul、大洋号)都取消了 2020 年 3 月至 2021 年 5 月期间的航线。



Mystic Cruises is a brand owned by the Portuguese entrepreneur Mario Ferreira - CEO and President of Mystic Invest SGPS (group of companies) and best known as CEO of the Portuguese river cruisetour company Douro Azul operating on Douro River. Mario Ferreira is also famous for being Portugal's first space tourist (traveling on Virgin Galactic's Spaceship One / owned by Richard Branson).

神秘邮轮是葡萄牙企业家 Mario Ferreira 创建的品牌,他是神秘投资公司的首席执行官兼总裁,也是在杜罗河上运营的葡萄牙内河游轮公司 Douro Azul 的首席执行官。Mario Ferreira 还因为是葡萄牙第一位太空游客而闻名(乘坐维珍银河公司的宇宙飞船一号旅行)。

图 | Mario Ferreira

Mystic Invest fully owns several brands specializing in travel and tourism business (cruises, tours, hotels) and real estate. 


The list of brands (subsidiaries) owned by the parent company Mystic Invest includes DouroAzul (Portugal), Mystic Cruises (USA), Atlas Ocean Voyages (North America), Nicko Cruises (Germany), Priority Dolphin (shipbuilding), Mystic Tua (Portugal), Mystic Adventure (tour agency in Barca d'Alva), World of Discoveries (theme park in Porto Portugal), Helitours (Porto and Douro Valley), BlueBus (Porto), hotels and resorts (Hotel do Cais, Monumental Palace Hotel, Douro Marina Hotel, Wine Lodge Hotel), Caminho das Estrelas (suborbital and Zero-G flights), Mystic Real Estate.

该公司旗下所有的一系列品牌(子公司)包括:DouroAzul(葡萄牙)、神秘邮轮(美国)、阿特拉斯海洋航行(北美)、尼克邮轮(德国)、Priority Dolphin(造船厂)、Mystic Tua(葡萄牙)、神秘探险(Barca d'Alva 的旅行社)、发现新世界(葡萄牙波尔图的主题公园)、直升机旅行(波尔图和杜罗河谷)、BlueBus(波尔图)、酒店和度假村(道凯斯酒店、纪念碑宫酒店、杜罗河码头酒店、葡萄酒小屋酒店)、Caminho das Estrelas(亚轨道和零重力飞行)、以及不动产业务。

图 | 尼克邮轮logo



Mystic Cruises fleet consists of 6 vessels, of which some are chartered to other cruise lines (small companies and independent tour operators), including to some Mystic Invest-owned brands.

神秘邮轮的船队由 6 艘船组成,其中一些被租给其他邮轮公司(小公司和独立旅行社),包括一些神秘投资集团旗下的品牌。

图 | 夸克邮轮

World Explorer (2019-launched) and World Voyager (2020-launched) are chartered to Nicko Cruises and Quark Expeditions. The other 4 liners (currently under construction) will be operated by Mystic Cruises USA. 


图 | “世界探险”号

图 | “世界探险”号航线景观

These are World Navigator (2021), World Traveller (2022), World Seeker (2022), World Adventurer (2023) and World Discoverer (2023). For the construction of all these units was contracted the shipbuilder WestSEA (naval shipyard in Viana do Castelo, Portugal). The ship name "World Discoverer" was also trademarked.

它们是“世界领航者”号(2021)、“世界旅行者”号(2022)、“世界探索者”号(2022)、“世界冒险者”号(2023) 和“世界发现者”号(2023)。所有这些单元的建造都与造船厂 WestSEA(葡萄牙维亚纳堡的海军造船厂)签订了合同。“世界发现者”号也注册了商标。

图 | “世界冒险者”号

Each vessel features an ice-strengthened hull (allowing year-round operations in polar regions), LOA length 126 m (413 ft), width 19 m (62 ft), GT tonnage 9300, max passenger capacity 200 (max 176 on polar itineraries), crew capacity 125, 8 decks (2 with cabins), 86 staterooms, shipbuilding cost EUR 70 million (USD 80 million) - or EUR 350,000 (~USD 395K) per berth.


图 | 餐厅

图 | 舱室

图 | 休息室

On May 16, 2019, Mystic Cruises signed a partnership with Adonis AS (provider of maritime HR / human resources support and solutions) for the ocean fleet's management. Adonis Maritime HR Suite includes services like staff recruitment, crewing and payroll.

2019年5月16日,神秘邮轮公司与Adonis AS(海事人力资源支持和解决方案服务商)签署了合作协议,负责海洋船队的管理。Adonis提供包括员工招聘、船员和工资发放等服务。



Ship design was developed by Leadship Ltd (Piraeus Greece-based company) owned by Italian naval Architects Giuseppe Tringali and Mirco Zoia. 

船舶设计由Leadship有限公司(位于希腊的Piraeus公司)开发,该公司为意大利船舶建造师 Giuseppe Tringali 和 Mirco Zoia 拥有。

It features an ice-strengthened hull (ice class 1B), top-notch automation and control system, modern propulsion (based on electrical pods / azimuthing thrusters), dynamic positioning system (using GPS data to accurately maintain ship's position without anchoring), advanced water treatment system, hybrid powerplant (diesel-electric) with efficient marine engines (two Rolls-Royce engines running on ULSD / ultra-low-sulfur diesel).

它具有抗冰加固的船体(冰级 1B)、一流的自动化和控制系统、现代推进系统(基于电动吊舱/方位推进器)、动态定位系统(使用GPS数据在不抛锚的情况下精确保持船舶位置)、先进的水处理系统、混合动力装置(柴油-电力),配备高效的船用发动机(两台使用超低硫/超低硫柴油的Rolls-Royce发动机)。

图 | 甲板

The vessel's draft is only 15 ft (4,7 m) allowing access to remote islands and unique coastal destinations. The ship has all 2 lifeboats (full-capacity) which are fully enclosed. Ship-to-shore communications are via Inmarsat Capsat Fleet 77 (satellite phone and Internet). Landings (passenger transportation) and coastal exploration voyages are served by the ship's own fleet of ten Zodiacs (motorized boats stored aft on Deck 7) and 2 loading stations.

该船的吃水深度仅为 15 英尺(4.7 米),可通往偏远岛屿和独特的沿海目的地。该船有2艘全封闭式救生艇。船对岸通信通过国际海事卫星组织Capsat Fleet 77(卫星电话和互联网)进行。旅客登岸和沿海探险航行由该船自己的Zodiacs 船队(摩托艇储存在船尾7号甲板)和2个装载站提供服务。



The two Mystic Invest-owned European river cruise companies - "DouroAzul" (Portugal) and "Nicko Cruises" (Germany) - operate mainly modern newbuild riverboats deployed, respectively, on Douro River (in Portugal) and on Seine-Rhone rivers (in France) and on Moselle-Rhine-Main-Danube rivers (in Central Europe). Almost all boats are built after the year 2000 and have 4 decks and capacity between 80-180 passengers (Portugal-based ships are smaller).

神秘投资公司拥有的两家欧洲内河游轮公司——葡萄牙的“DouroAzul”和德国的“尼克游轮”,主要经营现代化的新船,分别部署在葡萄牙的杜罗河、法国的塞纳河、罗纳河和中欧的摩泽尔河、莱茵河、美因河、多瑙河上。几乎所有的船都是在 2000 年之后建造的,有 4 层甲板,载客量在 80-180 人之间(葡萄牙的船只较小)。





翻译:大桔子 ;排版:大桔子


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