

发表于 2020-8-31 12:05:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本文转自Cruise Radio,如有异议欢迎你的留言和我们一起探索


“It’s Definitely Possible”


During a recent chat with Seatrade Cruise News, the executive looked at what’s been happening in overseas ports as a harbinger of hope that things might not be as bad as they seem. “If you go back just two or three months, who would have thought there would be any possibility of cruising in Italy?” he said. “Now, Italy is cruising again! They’ve mitigated the spread. Society is starting to move about. Is it too soon? Is it premature? Is it perfect timing? We’ll all know that a month or two from now.”

Of course, the situation in Italy is far different from the state of affairs in the United States, where the crisis which shut down the industry in March shows little sign of abating. Despite this, Donald holds firm in his believe that “It’s definitely possible we could sail again in 2020 from the U.S.”


在最近与Seatrade Cruise News的一次谈话中,这位高管把海外港口的情况看作是希望的预兆,认为事情可能没有看上去那么糟糕。如果你只回去两三个月,谁会想到有可能在意大利巡航呢?”他说。现在,意大利又在巡游了!” 他们减缓了病毒的传播。社会开始流动了。是不是太早了? 过早吗? 时机合适吗? 再过一两个月我们就都知道了。


“We’re Preparing For All Possibilities”

“We’re preparing for any and all possibilities. We want to both make sure we’re doing everything we can to protect our guests while at the same time giving them the experience they expect when they cruise with us.”

One thing he assured Seatrade was that Carnival was working hard to make sure that should a health situation develop on board, passengers will not have to worry about being trapped on board. “It’s important we’re prepared for a possible outbreak,” he acknowledged. “The guests need to be comfortable that we’ve worked out with every destination we visit how that will be handled.”

我们正在为所有可能的情况做准备,因为我们不知道政府机构会要求什么规定,也不知道要满足客人的舒适度。 “我们希望既能确保尽最大努力保护游客,又能让他们在与我们一起巡游时获得他们所期待的体验。


The Thing He Finds is “Very Inspiring”

Asked by Cruise Radio what’s been the biggest surprise during this crisis, Donald said that while it’s been a learning experience on many levels, one thing in particular has buoyed him up. “The most endearing thing for me is the outpouring of support, affection and love for our crew, our brands and even individual ships.”

He says that they have received “countless E-mails, letters, text messages, voicemails and support” from cruisers. “I can’t thank our guests enough for that. It’s been an incredible thing, very inspiring and very emotional.”

To every past and future guest sailing on any ship in the Carnival fleet, he extends a heartfelt message: “Thank you for that support. And know that we will be back!”






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