

发表于 2021-7-15 09:57:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式







1. Is there an accurate forecastingmethod in place for covers and revenues? 是否具备一种准确预测上座数和收入的方法?

*Trackguest and cover counts on an hourly basis to better identify trends and peakdemand periods.

Readjust the forecast each day for the following three days


2. Are schedules/rotas based on theforecast and adjusted as changes occur in the week? 日程表/值班表是否根据预测制定,并随着一周内的变化进行调整?

*Look atforecast updates and trends to adjust your schedule a day at a time.

*Consider management / salaried personnel to cover breaks

*Are your multiskilled teams being utilised




3. Do employees follow proper clockin-and-out procedures to avoid extra hours, missed breaks and unnecessaryovertime? 员工是否遵循适当的上下班打卡程序,以避免额外的工作时间、未发觉的休息时间、及不必要的加班?

*Ensureyour staff are clocking in – in uniform and ready to work - and clocking outbefore changing clothes to go home

*Reduceor eliminate ‘smoke breaks’ – require smoking to take place during an officialbreak only  

*Aresupervisors/team leaders counter signing timesheets at the end of the shift


*减少或消除‘吸烟休息时间’- 要求只能在正式休息时间才能吸烟


4.  Is Menu Engineering used to ensuremenu profitability including recipe cards? 是否采用了菜单分析(菜单工程)来确保菜单的收益性,包括菜谱卡?

*Recipecards should be in place for all F&B items

*Based on high profit contribution, set an incentive in place tospotlight and sell these high contributors

*Re-cost your menus on a minimum 6 month cycle




5.Are your outlets displayedprofessionally and successfully within your hotel’s “four walls” viacollateral, driving value added rates (breakfast, buffets etc.) and in-housepromotions? 餐饮设施在酒店范围内是否通过间接宣传品、强劲的增值价格(早餐、自助餐等)、店内推广而得到专业、成功的展示?  

*Cross-sellwithin the hotel and between outlets. Are there opportunities to “pre-sell” meals at the front desk?  

*Update F&B information that is contained on the Hotel Profile andother FREE marketing opportunities (utilise Genesys marketingtool)



6. Are proper controls in place forbeverages including inventory, receiving and access? Are sales verified toinventory daily with pars checked? 是否有适当的饮料控制,包括库存、收货和出入权?是否每天核查销售与库存,并检查标准?

*Look toreduce par stock or eliminate item completely based on sales

*Considerreducing ‘dead stock’ by having a sale

*Allalcoholic beverages requisitions should be in writing and have abottle-for-bottle exchange policy on high cash value items i.e. spirits, wines




7. Are brand standards that driveguest satisfaction and ultimately profitability followed? 是否遵循能够推动客户满意度并最终创造收益能力的品牌标准?

*Followthe system for Room Service Tray/Table pick-up to reduce potential theft ofitems – Salt & Pepper shakers, condiments, china, etc.


8.Is hiring done by utilising behaviouralinterviewing with GM approving all candidates? Is there a systematic trainingplan once they are hired? 员工招聘是否采用行为面试的方法且所有候选人均获得总经理批准?一旦聘用是否有系统化的培训计划?didates? Is there a systematic trainingplan once they are hired?

*Behaviourinterview question set to be used consistently to ensure quality recruitmentand GM to complete 12 week probation review

*Whiletraining, focus on cross-training to help with the ‘utility’ of the new staffmember.  Ensure job descriptions are inplace so that team members can see what opportunities there are to help eachother out.



9.Is all equipment safeguarded andare procedures in place for handling, storing, cleaning and caring for it? 所有设备是否得到保护,以及制定了操作、存储、清洁和照看的程序?

*Ensure proper glass and crockery racks are used to reducebreakage

*Review breakage log on a regular basis to identify trainingneeds for individual or operational practices that may require reviewing





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