

发表于 2021-8-4 09:27:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


China's southern island of Hainan introduced a new offshore duty-free policy last month and since then, sales have substantially increased. In order to regulate the market, Hainan is now labelling products to make them traceable.中国南部岛屿海南上个月推出了一项新的离岛免税政策,此后销售额大幅增长。为了规范市场,海南现在正在对产品进行标识,使其具有可追溯性。

Offshore duty-free sales have reached 7.2 billion U.S. dollars in Hainan since July 1. That's a year-on-year increase of 226 percent. The island has now implemented a new policy to trace the products using source codes.7月1日以来,海南离岸免税销售额达到72亿美元,同比增长226%。该岛现在实施了一项新政策,使用溯源码追踪产品。

The source code is applied in the form of a QR code label in the warehouse before distribution. When scanned, it will show the product's name, operating store, and sales and delivery information.溯源码在发货前以二维码标签的形式应用在仓库中。扫描后,它将显示产品名称、经营商店以及销售和运输信息。

YAO LEI Class-one Inspector Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce "The source codes will serve as the only identification source of duty-free products. The labels include a source code, an anti-counterfeiting QR code, a Hainan duty-free exclusive LOGO, and a 'no resale' warning sign."姚磊 海南省商务厅一级巡视员 “溯源码将作为免税商品的唯一识别源。标签包括一个溯源码、一个防伪二维码、一个海南免税专属LOGO、以及‘禁止转售’警告标志。”

LUO XINGYU Tourist from Hubei "It protects the rights and interests of consumers. It ensures what we purchase are real products and prevents their re-sale."湖北游客罗星宇 “它保护消费者权益,保证我们购买的是真品,杜绝转售。”

ZENG ZIRUI Tourist from Shenzhen "It can prevent the sale of fake products by some agents, and protect the identity information of tourists."来自深圳的曾子瑞游客 “它可以防止一些代理商销售假冒产品,保护游客的身份信息。”

Officials hope the new policy can help create a safe and secure shopping environment for consumers.工作人员希望新政策有助于为消费者创造一个安全可靠的购物环境。

CHEN ZHEN Deputy Commissioner, Haikou Customs "The source code management allows duty-free goods to be traced. The supervisory department can quickly identify the people who violate regulations and impose penalties in accordance with the law. We call on the general public to purchase duty-free goods in compliance with relevant regulations to fully enjoy the benefits of the offshore duty free policy. "海口海关副关长陈针 “溯源码管理让免税品可追溯,监管部门可快速查明违规人员,依法予以处罚。呼吁广大市民购买关税符合相关规定的免税商品,充分享受离岸免税政策的好处。”

By the end of December, all duty-free commodities will be posted with source codes. If the "zero-tariff" policy for Hainan residents is implemented, tax-free daily consumer goods will also be sold after the source code is posted.12月底前,所有免税商品将贴出源代码。如果对海南居民实行“零关税”政策,溯源码发布后也将贴在出售的免税日用消费品上。 











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