

发表于 2021-7-5 10:00:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


South China's island province of Hainan has seen exponential growth in duty-free sales a year after a new policy was implemented.中国南部岛屿省份海南的免税销售额呈指数级增长,新政策实施一年后。

Hainan's offshore duty-free sales hit 46.8 billion yuan (7.2 billion U.S. dollars) from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, surging 226 percent year on year, the Haikou Customs said on Saturday.海口海关周六表示,从2020年7月1日至2021年6月30日,海南离岸免税销售额达到468亿元人民币(72亿美元),同比增长226%。

Duty-free shops in Hainan received more than 6.2 million customers, and sold over 60 million duty-free items, up 102 percent and 211 percent year on year, respectively.海南免税店接待顾客超过620万人次,免税商品销售超过6000万件,同比分别增长102%和211%。

Since July 1, 2020, Hainan has raised its annual tax-free shopping quota from 30,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan per person. The previous tax-free limit of 8,000 yuan for a single product has been lifted, and the duty-free purchase limit for cosmetics has also been raised from 12 items to 30.自2020年7月1日起,海南将全年免税购物额度从每人3万元提高到10万元。取消了此前单品8000元的免税限额,化妆品免税采购限额也从12项提高到30项。

Meanwhile, the categories of duty-free goods have been expanded from 38 to 45, with the addition of electronic products such as mobile phones and laptops.同时,免税品的种类也从38种扩大到45种,增加了手机、笔记本电脑等电子产品。

As part of the core policies of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP), the new policy in duty-free shopping has made Chinese consumers more willing to spend than ever before. The dividends of the duty-free policy were also further realized over the past year with the opening of five more duty-free shops.作为海南自贸港(FTP)建设核心政策的一部分,免税购物新政策让中国消费者比以往任何时候都更愿意消费。免税政策的红利也在过去一年里进一步体现,随着五家免税店新开业。

Located in Haitang Bay, Sanya, a tourist resort in Hainan, Sanya International Duty Free City is the world's largest single duty-free shop, with an area of 120,000 square meters. Home to more than 350 international luxury brands, it has become a popular attraction for tourists.位于海南旅游胜地三亚海棠湾,三亚国际免税城是全球最大的单体免税店,面积12万平方米。它拥有 350 多个国际奢侈品牌,已成为游客的热门景点。

Haikou International Duty Free City, a world-class tourism and shopping complex being built by the CDF, is expected to open in June next year.海口国际免税城是国免正在建设的世界级旅游购物综合体,预计明年6月开业。

As fine-tuned favorable policies continue to draw more consumers, the island's offshore duty-free sales are likely to exceed 60 billion yuan in 2021, quadrupling from 2019, said Shen Xiaoming, Party chief of Hainan, at a press conference in April.海南省委书记沈晓明在 4 月的新闻发布会上表示,随着微调的优惠政策继续吸引更多消费者,2021 年岛上离岸免税销售额可能会超过 600 亿元,比 2019 年翻两番。












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