

发表于 2020-5-18 19:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


(CNN) — As the world's most populous nation with the world's second-biggest economy, the self-styled Middle Kingdom is finding new and increasingly nerve-racking ways to attract and entertain tourists. There is a video that shows a 202-meter-high glass observation deck which has just opened in the Gulongxia scenic spot in Qingyuan City. It extends 72 meters from the edge of the cliff and already has visitors shaking in fear. Read on for more of the scariest outdoor attractions the country has to offer: 
The world's longest glass U-shaped bridge (maybe), at Fuxi Mountain, Henan
Guinness World Records receives 2,000 applications from China a year -- more than any other country. And the latest potential record-breaker is the 3,000-ton glass-and-steel skywalk at Fuxi Mountain in Henan province, central China. Eight months in the making, the U-shaped bridge has been opened June 16, 2018. Visitors who dare venture out on the cantilevered walkway can look straight through the glass to the canyon floor some 360 meters below. The new bridge extends 30 meters beyond the cliff edge, trumping other U-shaped wonders such as Arizona's Grand Canyon Skywalk, which juts out a mere 21 meters (70 feet) over the epic US gorge. China Daily is already making claims for it as the "world's longest glass circular bridge" -- although that could be challenged by the viewing platform at Shilinxia (see below).
The many terrifying treats of Tianmen Mountain, Hunan
Not content with just one glass-bottomed walkway, Tianmen Mountain in Hunan province, southern China, has three, the most recent of which opened in the summer of 2016. Known as Coiling Dragon Cliff Walk, the new addition consists of 1,500 meters (4,921 feet) of 6.35 centimeter (2.5 inch) thick glass that crowns the mountain top like a halo of horror. Those who dare can enjoy a bird's-eye view of the famous Tongtian Avenue -- otherwise known as "Bending Road" thanks to its 99 hairpin turns -- a dizzying 1,400 meters (4,600 feet) below. Two other glass walkways lace the mountain range, one of which was formerly the world's longest but is still currently the world's highest at 300 meters (984 feet). Also on hand for adrenalin junkies who just won't quit is the world's longest cable car ride, which spans seven kilometers (22,965 feet) and takes 30 minutes to complete.
位于中国南方湖南省张家界的天门山不满足于拥有一条玻璃栈道,它有3条,最新的一条玻璃栈道于2016年夏天开放。2016年开放的这条玻璃栈道被称为“盘龙崖”,长1500米(4921英尺),由6.35厘米(2.5英寸)厚的玻璃构成,像一个恐怖的光环一样覆盖在山顶上。胆子大的朋友可以在玻璃栈道上俯瞰著名的盘山公路——"通天大道"。“通天大道”由99个急弯弯道构成。站在“盘龙崖”栈道上,还可以看到1400米(4600英尺)以下令人眩晕的景色。另外两条玻璃栈道镶嵌在山脉上,其中一条曾经是世界上最长的,现在仍然是世界上最高记录的保持者,高300米(984英尺)。对于那些喜欢寻找刺激的朋友而言,这里还有世界上最长的缆车,全程7公里(22965英尺) ,需要30分钟才能完成全程。
The world's longest glass bridge at Hongyagu, Hebei
All hail China's newest heart-stopping attraction. Having stolen the crown from Tianmen Mountain, the new draw to Hebei province's Hongyagu Scenic Area is now the world's longest glass-bottom bridge. And what makes a 488 meter-long (1,600 feet) glass bridge above a drop of 218 meters (715 feet) even more scary? Its suspension cables make it sway. The bridge, made up of 1,077 glass panels of four centimeters (around 1.6 inches) thickness, strings together two peaks in the mountainous northeastern region. Although it can apparently accommodate 2,000 people, only 600 are allowed on at any one time, shuffling along in special "shoe gloves" to protect the glass. Staff are strategically positioned along its length to help those with jelly legs find their feet.
The world's biggest glass viewing platform at Shilinxia, Beijing
It's perhaps fitting that the home of the Great Wall would now also have the longest glass-bottomed walkway in the world. Jutting 32.8 meters (107 feet) over the edge of a 396 meter (1,300 feet) valley, the Shilinxia Viewing Platform stretches a whole 11 meters farther than the Grand Canyon Skywalk and nearly three meters farther than the Fuxi Mountain Skywalk. The vertigo-inducing attraction adorns the highest peak of Shinlin Gorge, an area of towering forest-like rock formations in the district of Pinggu, 100 kilometers (62 miles) from Beijing city center. It's a hefty 1.5-hour hike from the valley floor to the platform, or you can make your head spin twice in one day and take the cable car up. Dubbed the "Flying Saucer," the circular walkway is suspended from the mountain cantilever style. It's constructed with titanium alloy, the material used in airplanes and space shuttles, so it can apparently hold a maximum load of 150 tons and 2,000 people. China's top tourist attractions can get busy, but hopefully they'll never have to put those calculations to the test.
Hiking horror at Mount Huashan, Shaanxi
Hikes don't come much more hair-raising than on China's Mount Huashan, said to be home to some of the most dangerous trails in the world. The five separate peaks backing Huayin City in China's central Shaanxi province are a test for even the most adventurous travelers. East Peak leads the pack for the most fear-inducing trail names, with passes such as the Thousand-Foot Precipice, the Hundred-Foot Crevice and Black Dragon Ridge. This isn't just a scare tactic. The paths are genuinely terrifying, consisting of modest foot-grooves cut into a 2,090 meter-high (6,857 feet) sheer rock face and rusting metal bars serving as makeshift vertical staircases. All that lies between hikers and vertiginous drops are thin chain banisters, adorned with the love locks of courageous couples. The real fun starts on the 2,160-meter (7,087 foot) South Peak, home to the Changing Plank Road.The so-called "road," which does indeed have two-way traffic, comprises nothing more than a few rickety wooden planks bolted onto the mountainside. Looking as though it could give way at any moment, the path is just 0.3 meters (1 foot) at its widest.
要说徒步旅行,不会有哪儿比华山更令人毛骨悚然,据说这里有世界上最危险的徒步路线。华山由五座独立的山峰构成,位于中国中部的陕西省,背靠华阴市。即使对于最喜欢冒险的旅行者来说,徒步登华山也是一次考验。东峰以千英尺的悬崖、百英尺的裂缝和黑龙岭等山道名列最令人恐惧的山道之首。这不仅仅是在恐吓游客,而是这些山道真的很可怕,其中包括在2090米高(6857英尺)的陡峭岩石表面切割出来的适度的脚沟,以及生锈的金属条作为临时的垂直楼梯。在徒步旅行者和令人眩晕的水滴之间都是细细的铁链栏杆,上面挂着勇敢的情侣们的爱情锁。登华山真正的乐趣始于海拔2,160米(7,087英尺)的南峰——长空栈道。这条所谓的“栈道”,实际上是双向的,只不过是几块用螺栓固定在山坡上摇摇晃晃的木板。这条小路最宽处只有0.3米(1英尺) ,看起来好像随时都可能坍塌。
The rickety Sky Ladder at Tiger Leaping Gorge, Yunnan
Here's one for those who value time above all else. When hiking through the stunning Tiger Leaping Gorge in Yunnan province, southwest China, visitors will be faced with a choice of much importance. Brace the long and arduous climb back up to the road from the Jinsha River, or suffer a quick but perilous stint on the "Sky Ladder." The series of mostly vertical ladders is attached to planks of aging wood that may or may not be bolted onto the cliff face. There's no safety equipment whatsoever, and the 170-odd rungs are so narrow, a slick of rain (or a cold sweat) could easily dislodge a white-knuckle grip. Sensible shoes and a cool head are needed while ascending from the abyss, which reaches 3,790 meters (12,434 feet) at the gorge's highest point. Don't look down.

翻译:石斯斯 (北语) 








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