

发表于 2020-10-20 12:12:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Not long after Europe's top travel regulator, EASA, the European Aviation Safety Agency, gave the Boeing 737 MAX 8 the green light to return to the skies, after 18 months of grounding following two infamous MAX crashes, American Airlines will return the MAX to service for passenger flight by the end of 2020. 

欧洲最高旅行监管机构EASA(欧洲航空安全局)在不久前批准波音737 MAX 8复飞后不久,在两次臭名昭著的MAX坠机事故中停飞18个月后,美国航空将MAX投入使用到2020年底的客运航班。

According to Reuters, American plans to resume 737 MAX flights between Miami and New York from Dec. 29 to Jan. 4, with the ability to book flights as early as Oct. 24. As of yet it's unclear who, if anyone, will want to fly in the plane that was "designed by clowns…supervised by monkeys."

据路透社报道,美国航空计划从12月29日至1月4日恢复从迈阿密到纽约的737 MAX航班,最早可在10月24日前预订航班。到目前为止,尚不清楚谁愿意(如果有人愿意)在“由小丑设计……由猴子指导”的飞机上飞行。

"We remain in contact with the FAA and Boeing on the certification process and we'll continue to update our plans based on when the aircraft is certified," American said in a statement. 


The FAA published a statement Sunday saying there is no timeline for the 737 MAX's approval and said it "will lift the grounding order only after FAA safety experts are satisfied that the aircraft meets certification standard." 

美国联邦航空局周日发表声明说,没有批准737 MAX的时间表,并表示“只有在美国联邦航空局安全专家对飞机符合认证标准的情况下,才会取消停飞命令。”

Adding a single domestic route makes sense for the airline, considering the troubled plane is banned from flight in many countries following two fatal crashes that killed 346 people. 


Last week, EASA was satisfied with Boeing's fixes to the plane, which has allowed it to return to Europe's skies by the end of the year. The FAA's head Steve Dickson recently flew the MAX. It appears MAX is entering the final chapter before recertification. 

上周,欧洲航空安全局对波音对飞机的修理感到满意,这使它能够在年底前重返欧洲。美国联邦航空局局长史蒂夫·迪克森(Steve Dickson)最近驾驶MAX飞行。看起来MAX正在重新认证之前进入了最后一章。

As soon as the aircraft is recertified, Boeing will work with American to upgrade its fleet of MAX planes - no timelines were given on how long the updates would take. With 24 737 MAX planes its fleet, currently grounded in a maintenance facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the airline plans to order an additional 76 jets. Given the groundings and resulting production delays and collapse in the air travel and tourism industries, future plane orders are likely delayed. 

一旦飞机重新获得认证,波音公司将与美国航空合作升级其MAX飞机机队-没有给出更新需要多长时间的时间表。该航空公司的机队拥有24 737 MAX架飞机,目前停靠在俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨的维修厂,该航空公司计划再订购76架飞机。考虑到航空旅行和旅游业的基础以及随之而来的生产延误和崩溃,未来的飞机订单可能会延迟。

Sunday's announcement follows American's cut of 9,000 jobs after Washington failed to deliver more federal aid to the airline industry. American will release earnings on Thursday morning. In 1H20, the airline lost more than $5 billion, as the virus pandemic has decimated airlines, travel and tourism, and much of the services economy. 




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