
China Just Made Travel Easier with Visa and Entry

发表于 2023-3-14 11:06:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
China Just Made Travel Easier with Visa and Entry Policy Changes

On March 14th, the Consular Affairs Department of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a notice on its WeChat account "领事直通车" regarding further adjustments to China's visa and entry policies for foreigners.

Starting from 00:00 Beijing time on March 15th, 2023, the following adjustments will be made:

  1. The entry function of visas issued before March 28th, 2020 and still valid will be restored.

  2. Visa-issuing authorities abroad will resume issuing various types of visas for foreigners traveling to China.

  3. Port visa-issuing authorities will resume issuing various types of port visas for those who meet the legal requirements.

  4. The policy of visa-free entry for foreigners visiting Hainan, Shanghai cruise ship passengers, foreign tour groups entering Guangdong from Hong Kong and Macao, and ASEAN tourist groups entering Guilin, Guangxi will be restored.

These measures are aimed at facilitating personnel exchanges between China and other countries.


Editor: CH


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