

发表于 2022-8-8 09:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Follows a list of destinations visited by cruise ships leaving out of Dover:


World Cruises - around the world voyages leaving from Dover offer westbound Transatlantic crossings with either Panama Canal transition or around South America routes. Itinerary segments may end up in Canada, USA (Florida, East Coast or West Coast / California ports), Australia (Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne) and even in New Zealand (Auckland).


Iceland and Greenland are often included in "British Isles" themed cruise itineraries around Britain, visiting island ports in England, Scotland, Ireland (Northern Ireland) and Wales.


Baltic Sea cruises to Scandinavia and Russia are usually 2-week long and visit ports in Holland, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia (Sankt Petersburg overnight stay).



Dover cruise terminal

Port Dover cruise ship terminal is at the old Dover Marine railway station. The building houses a passenger terminal and has a dedicated car parking. The second (new passenger terminal) is further out along the pier.


Dover Passenger Terminal serves the ferry traffic to France. P&O Ferries is currently the only company serving foot passengers (daily service between 6 am and 7.30 pm). This means travel to Dunkerque is not possible unless passengers are in vehicles. The P&O's desk (located at the building's rear) is for purchasing tickets and check-in. Checked-in passengers wait in the terminal building until their sailing is announced, then board a shuttle bus taking them directly to the ferry ship.

多佛客运码头为前往法国的轮渡提供服务。P&O Ferries 目前是唯一一家为步行乘客提供服务的公司(每天早上 6 点至晚上7.30提供服务)。这意味着除非乘客乘坐车辆,否则无法前往敦刻尔克。P&O 的办公桌(位于大楼后部)用于购票和办理登机手续。办理登机手续的乘客在候机楼等候启航通知,然后搭乘穿梭巴士直接前往渡轮。

Dover Marina (member of TransEurope Marinas) is very convenient for English Channel crossing sailings from England to France. The Marina features a sheltered harbour location and a total of 3 berthing areas (total capacity 400 berths).

多佛码头(TransEurope Marinas 的成员)对于从英国到法国的英吉利海峡航行非常方便。码头设有避风港位置和总共 3 个泊位区(总容量 400 个泊位)。


Inner Harbour cruise terminals 1 & 2

Dover has 2 cruise ship terminals located in the Inner Harbour area (Western Docks). The former railway station building "Dover Marine" was transformed into Terminal 1 in the period 1994-96. This terminal also offers a secured on-site parking. The second (Terminal 2) building was inaugurated in 1999 and is located further out along the Admiralty Pier. Terminal 2 serves passengers on the largest cruise liners in Dover.


Dover port offers a direct high-speed train connection to London, plus two motorways and international airports located close to the terminals.


Terminal 1 is on the place of the ex Marine Railway Station. It is located at the Western docks and was transformed in the period 1994 – 1996. A lot of the original features are kept and the atmosphere resembles the bygone era. Dover Cruise Port Terminal 1 offers snackbar, waiting area, check-in desk, telephone booths, luggage handling and toilets.

1 号码头位于前海上火车站的位置。它位于西部码头,在 1994 年至 1996 年期间进行了改造。保留了许多原有的特色,气氛类似于过去的时代。多佛邮轮码头1号航站楼提供小吃店、等候区、值机柜台、电话亭、行李处理和卫生间。

The largest ships are served by Terminal 2 (1999-opened). It offers all kind of amenities and services for passengers, including an information kiosk, ATM, vending (snack) machines, public restrooms, payphones.


(statistics) Dover is visited annually by over 200000 cruise passengers served by 20+ different line companies. Known as the "Gateway to Europe", Dover's ferry shipping lines transport each year millions of passengers and vehicles (cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles).



City Tours and Shore Excursions

Dover Castle: walk or take a bus to see the the King’s Hall, the Outer Bailey, the King’s Chamber, the King’s Brewery, the Guest Hall, the Guest Chamber, the castle walls and the medieval tunnels of the castle with central part in the history of England.


Roman Painted House: the Roman Painted house, dating from AD 200. Open from June to September.


White Cliffs Of Dover: enjoy adorable English Channel views from 320ft. Enjoy a walk along the Langdon cliffs or see the South Foreland Lighthouse – open for tourists during the summer.

多佛白崖:从 320 英尺高处欣赏英吉利海峡的迷人景色。沿着兰登悬崖漫步,或参观南前岛灯塔——夏季对游客开放。

Dover Museum: visit the famous museum and enjoy original historical exhibitions. The most popular thing to see there is the Bronze Age Boat, 3500-year aged.

多佛博物馆:参观著名的博物馆,欣赏原汁原味的历史展览。最受欢迎的是青铜时代的船,有 3500 年的历史。

St. Margaret’s Bay: charming, sunny place with delightful beach, benches for sitting, a kiosk for ice cream and plenty of parking area. It is located 4 miles from Dover, direction East.

圣玛格丽特湾:迷人、阳光明媚的地方,拥有宜人的海滩、长椅、冰淇淋亭和充足的停车区。它距离多佛 4 英里,向东方向。






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