【酒店任命】万豪、洲际、丽笙、Club Med Joyview、索菲特、希尔顿、皇冠假日酒店等最新任命信息,为人气投票
“酒店人”看过来!本周最新一期酒店高层任命盘点来袭;快来为您喜爱的酒店高管投上热情的一票。投票截止日期:2021年10月21日。欢迎右下角写评论与小编交流心得! 盖凡磊先生(Mr. Greg Findlay) 三亚嘉佩乐度假酒店 总经理
(中国 海南,2021年10月13日) – 三亚嘉佩乐度假酒店近日宣布,热烈欢迎Greg Findlay盖凡磊先生为新任总经理,负责度假村的整体运营和战略发展。拥有超过二十年奢华酒店集团工作经验,Greg Findlay盖凡磊先生将结合他对奢华的敏锐理解和洞见,继续将这座福湾谧境打造成备受欢迎的滨海度假之选。倡导创新并拥有独到的市场洞察力,Greg Findlay盖凡磊先生曾先后于澳大利亚,新西兰,泰国,印度尼西亚,菲律宾,韩国以及国内北京和上海等国家及地区负责筹备开业或管理运营多家奢华酒店。在加入三亚嘉佩乐度假酒店之前,Greg Findlay盖凡磊先生任上海静安瑞吉酒店的总经理。“我们非常高兴地宣布Greg Findlay盖凡磊先生被任命为三亚嘉佩乐度假酒店总经理。他对亚洲和中国市场的深入了解,丰富的市场销售经验,对于嘉佩乐酒店集团而言可谓锦上添花。而且我们确信Greg Findlay盖凡磊先生将带领三亚嘉佩乐度假酒店稳健提升,继续创作更多辉煌。”嘉佩乐酒店集团总裁Cristiano Rinaldi先生分享道。 闲暇之余,Greg Findlay盖凡磊先生热衷于网球和骑行。同时,他也非常期待探索海南迷人的艺术文化和地道本真的生活方式。“我非常荣幸能加入三亚嘉佩乐度假酒店,这座迷人的度假村自开业以来,凭借极致匠心的款客之道,备受赞誉的精致美馔,屡获殊荣的水疗及养生疗愈项目,迅速成为海岛度假的理想之选。” Greg Findlay盖凡磊先生说道,“我将和我们充满热情和活力的团队一道,在迷人的福湾谧境,一如既往地为每一位宾客打造愉悦难忘的嘉佩乐时光。”(Hainan, China 13 Oct 2021) – Capella Sanyais pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Greg Findlay as General Manager,effective immediately.With over two decades of experience in the luxury hospitality industry, his expertise will play a significant role in elevating the leading beach front resort by the South China Sea to new heights.Possessing an extensive background with esteemed hospitality marques, Mr. Findlay has previously launched, managed and led general operations of luxury hotels in Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Indonesia,Philippines, South Korea, along with Beijing and Shanghai in China. Before embarking on his first appointment at Capella Hotel Group, Mr. Findlay was the General Manager of The St. Regis Shanghai Jing’an. “We are very pleased to welcome Greg Findlay to Capella Sanya as General Manager. His versatile expertise in Sales & Marketing and extensive experience working in China and Asia makes him a great asset to Capella Hotel Group. We are confident of his capability to lead Capella Sanya to even greaterheights.” shares Cristiano Rinaldi, President of Capella Hotel Group.In his spare time, Mr. Findlay is a keen tennis player and cyclist.He is also looking forward to exploring the fascinating culture and authentic lifestyle in Hainan.“ I am delighted to be leading the talented colleagues of Capella Sanya, who have already did a wonderful job in cementing the resort’s sterling reputation as a leading hotel in China, with its Dine byDesign culinary experience, award-winning spa and wellness experiences, and uncompromising service, ” said Mr. Greg Findlay, “ Working together with my passionate team, we will continue tocurate unique and memorable moments for each of our discerning guests in the humble shores of Tufu Bay.”付磊先生 Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村 总经理
近日,Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村正式任命付磊先生出任度假村总经理一职,付磊先生将全面负责度假村的筹备开业及运营管理工作。付磊先生拥有超过29年的酒店工作和管理经验,曾服务于多个国际和国内酒店品牌,包括香格里拉、凯莱等。此次履新之前,付磊先生在Club Med Joyview北戴河黄金海岸度假村担任总经理,凭借其敏锐的市场洞察力,出色的运营管理和收益管理经验,付磊先生成功带领其团队为度假村创造过诸多优秀业绩。付磊先生表示:“我很高兴能将Club Med的快乐基因与多元文化带到千岛湖,我和我的团队有信心把Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村打造成为江浙沪高品质的度假胜地。”Club Med度假村拥有222间客房及独立套房,不仅有国际自助餐厅为宾客带来丰富的美味盛宴,还有主酒吧为宾客呈现精彩的G.O表演或组织不同主题的晚间派对;大型迷你俱乐部让孩子在音乐、艺术、游戏等体验中获得灵感与成长;更有室内运动场、室内外泳池等设施让宾客收获兼具活力与悠闲的享受。Recently, Club Med Joyview Thousand Island Resort has officially appointed Rocky Fu as the General Manager of the resort. Mr. Rocky Fu will be fully responsible for the resort’s opening preparations and operation management.Mr. Rocky Fu has morethan 29 years of working and management experience in hotel industry, he hasserved many international and domestic hotel brands, including Shangri-La,Gloria, etc. Prior to this new appointment, Mr. Rocky Fu served as the General Manager of Club Med Joyview Golden Coast Resort. With his keen market insight,excellent operation management and revenue management experience, Mr. Rocky Fusuccessfully led his team to create lots of excellent performance for theresort.Mr. Rocky Fu said:"I am very happy to bring Club Med's happiness genes and multiculturalismto Qiandao Lake. My team and I are confident to build Club Med Joyview Thousand Island Resort as one of the best resort in Yangtze Delta area."Club Med Joyview Thousand Island Resort is located in Qiandao LunengResort area, surrounded by lakes, forests and beautiful scenery. The resort has 222 guest rooms including independent suites. Not only does the international buffet restaurant bring guests a rich and delicious feast, but the main baralso presents guests with wonderful G.O performances or night events with diverse themes; A large Mini Club allows children to know new friends, also inspiration and growth can be obtained from the experience of music, art andgames; Meanwhile, there are also indoor sports fields, indoor and outdoor swimming pools and other facilities to allow guests to gain both vitality and leisurely enjoyment.王士彬女士 丽笙酒店集团亚太区 财税务及信息技术副总裁
丽笙酒店集团近日任命王士彬 (Evelyn Wong
Soo Pin) 为亚太区财税务及信息技术副总裁,推动转型战略。Evelyn是新加坡人,拥有二十余年的职业经验。毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学 (NTU),拥有会计学学士学位和海事企业管理文凭。她是新加坡注册会计师,在加入丽笙酒店集团之前,曾服务于新加坡上市企业AMOS集团有限公司,担任首席财务官。作为丽笙酒店集团亚太区财税务及信息技术副总裁,Evelyn将全面负责区域内财务和会计事务,包括对业务交易和企业投资的监控,制定财务战略并领导区域财务团队。因此,她将在集团的扩张战略的执行中扮演重要角色,推进亚太地区酒店业务的增长拓展。她还将领导集团的数字化转型,依托丽笙酒店集团新近推出的先进的全球技术平台EMMA,整合酒店管理系统、预订、分销、销售、会员忠诚度计划等多项内容。“能够邀请Evelyn加入丽笙酒店集团,我感到十分荣幸。财税务和信息技术是我们所有业务的基础。因此,我们非常需要一位充满活力且行动高效的领导者。Evelyn过往出色的经历和扎实的能力定将推动我们业务的持续发展。” 丽笙酒店集团亚太区总裁Katerina Giannouka说。“很高兴可以加入丽笙酒店集团。我很期待与这个团队合作,贡献我的经验与专业知识,帮助集团在亚太地区内持续拓展运营范围,并推动先进技术在区域内的普及。”丽笙酒店集团亚太区财税务及信息技术副总裁Evelyn说。Evelyn的职业经历始于1997年,当时她服务于全球领先的金融服务公司——毕马威。而后,她在多家企业中担任高级管理职位,涉猎从石油和天然气、运输和物流、到安全管理、招聘等众多不同行业。她中英文沟通流利,业务经验涉及澳大利亚、埃及、大中华地区、哈萨克斯坦、马来西亚、巴基斯坦、新加坡、韩国和越南等众多区域内国家。丽笙酒店集团在亚太地区14个国家拥有超过150家酒店,并有更多项目处于筹备阶段。Evelyn丰富的经历使得她能够胜任丽笙酒店集团亚太地区的运营管理职责。Evelyn将在位于新加坡的丽笙酒店集团亚太区域总部办公室工作,同时担任丽笙酒店集团亚太区执行委员会成员。骆斌(Mr. Stephane Roubin)先生 杭州康莱德酒店 总经理
近日,希尔顿酒店集团任命骆斌先生为杭州康莱德酒店总经理,全面负责酒店运营及管理工作。自2003年,骆斌先生在希尔顿里昂酒店开始了他的希尔顿酒店职业生涯,并且曾经在香港、印度尼西亚、斯里兰卡、泰国、新加坡、马来西亚和法国等不同国家和地区的希尔顿旗下酒店任职过。至今,他已经在希尔顿酒店集团工作了19年。在希尔顿酒店集团的任职期间,骆斌先生在项目管理、创新思维优化预算、组织和处理大型活动等方面积累了丰富的经验。作为一名领导者,他在管理和培训多元文化团队方面也表现出了卓越的才能,并与当地社区领导人、业主和客户建立并维系了相互信任的牢固关系。骆斌先生一直关注环境的保护及可持续发展,并致力于在酒店日常运营中投入节能环保和减少食物浪费的可持续发展理念。杭州康莱德酒店团队成员将与骆斌先生一起努力,在未来继续为客人提供独具灵感的入住体验和康莱德的品牌价值的进一步提升。Conrad Hangzhou is
pleased to announce that Mr. Stephane Roubin has been appointed as the hotel’s
new General Manager.Stephane is a
great asset to Hilton and began his career with Hilton at the Hilton Lyon. He
continued his experience in the hospitality industry with the Hilton family for
19 years in different countries and regions such as Hong Kong (China),
Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and France.During his career
with Hilton, Stephane developed solid skills in project management, optimizing
budgets with innovative ideas, organizing and handling large-scale events. As a
leader, Stephane has shown his excellent skills in managing and training
multicultural teams, building and maintaining strong and trustful relationships
with local community leaders, owners, key stakeholders, and clients.Stephane has a
strong passion for environmental sustainability and for keeping a green world
for the future generation. He continues to input his innovative idea on hotel’s
energy-saving and reduce food waste into daily operation.Conrad Hangzhou
will continue to provide guests with memorable experiences and uphold the
traditions of which the hotel is so proud. The Conrad Hangzhou team is striving
to further enhance service quality and brand value with Stephane into the
future.马天恩(Mr. Martin L. Leclerc)先生 昆明索菲特大酒店 总经理
近日,马天恩先生被正式任命为昆明索菲特大酒店总经理。马天恩先生拥有超过25年的国际职业生涯,并一直在多个豪华酒店品牌如万豪国际集团、香格里拉酒店集团及雅高酒店集团旗下的费尔蒙酒店,瑞吉酒店及近期的香格里拉饭店发挥其领导作用。在北美工作多年的他于2012年来到中国,曾负责管理过南京,天津和北京的重要酒店。马天恩先生拥有完善的领导能力,并在酒店和度假村环境中的市场营销、人力资源、奢华运营、市场开发、创业、公共关系和财务领域表现出色。作为一名专业的运营者,马天恩先生以追求质量和对细节的关注而闻名,他相信卓越的成果来自团队合作和员工敬业度,并为酒店客人和当地群众提供精心策划的非凡体验。马天恩先生拥有来自加拿大和法国院校的两个硕士学位文凭,他的战略思维在酒店业和其他领域均得到一致认可。马天恩先生期待作为昆明索菲特大酒店的总经理为云南和昆明地区做出贡献。Mr. Martin L. Leclerc has recently been appointed as General Manager of
Sofitel Kunming.Mr. Leclerc international career has spanned over 25 years where he has
been exerting leadership with several Luxury Hotel banners such as Fairmont
Hotels, The St-Regis and most recently Shangri-La, for Marriott International,
Accor and the Shangri-La Group. After many years functioning in North-America,
he relocated to China in 2012 and has since been in charge of key-hotels in
Nanjing, Tianjin and Beijing.Mr. Martin L. Leclerc possesses well-established leadership abilities and
excels in the fields of Sales & Marketing, Human Resources, Luxury
Operation, Market Development, Entrepreneurship, Public Relations and Finance
in both Hotels and Resorts environment.A skilled operator, Mr. Leclerc is known for his pursuit of quality and
attention to details and believes that superior results come through teamwork
and employee engagement, and offering curated experiences for hotel guests, and
the local community alike. Mr. Leclerc holds two Master Degree Diplomas from
Universities in Canada and France, and his strategic thinking receives
consistent recognition within the hospitality industry and other sectors.Mr. Martin L. Leclerc is looking forward to
contributing to Yunnan and Kunming communities, as General Manager of Sofitel
Kunming.曺承模(Mr. Summer Cho)先生 成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店 总经理
近日,成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店任命曺承模先生(Summer Cho)出任酒店总经理,全面统筹酒店日常运营和战略管理工作。来自韩国的曺承模先生拥有23年酒店从业经历,他的职业轨迹遍布韩国、印度尼西亚、泰国和中国。在此之前,他曾担任武汉富力威斯汀酒店总经理。
曺承模先生是一位卓越的领导者,有着资深的专业知识和丰富的管理经验。他倡导创新思维与严谨态度相结合,致力于为宾客创造难忘的丽思卡尔顿回忆。凭借着自己对奢华酒店独到的见解,准确把握市场定位,坚定为宾客提供奢华体验的核心信念,始终确保让宾客获得真诚关怀和舒适款待。成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店连续两年荣膺《福布斯旅游指南》五星酒店。酒店位于成都核心商业区,毗邻天府广场。五间独具风格的餐厅和酒吧为客人呈现环球美食盛宴。个性化服务的行政酒廊,尽享舒适与便捷,感受如家人般呵护备至。超过1700平米的大型宴会厅以及七间规格不同的会议室,以丽思卡尔顿黄金标准为宗旨成就每一个重要的会议和活动。我们相信,凭借曺承模先生其极强的责任心和执行力,定能带领成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店全体绅士淑女创造非凡佳绩。The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu is delighted to
announce that Mr. Summer Cho has recently been appointed as general manager. He
is fully responsible for overall hotel operations and strategic management.
Hailing from South Korea, Summer Cho has been immersed in the hospitality
industry for 23 years. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Summer Cho was the general
manager of Westin Wuhan Wuchang. His formative professional years were spent
tackling management roles across Korea, Indonesia, Thailand and China for
global hotel brands.Mr. Summer Cho is an outstanding leader
with senior-level professional knowledge and rich management experience. He
combines innovative thinking with a rigorous attitude and is committed to
creating memorable memories for guests at The Ritz-Carlton. He has a unique
insight into luxury hotels, an accurate grasp of market positioning, a firm
belief in providing guests with a luxury experience, and he always ensures that
guests receive sincere care and comfortable hospitality.Named a Five-Star hotel by Forbes Travel
Guide for the second consecutive year, The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu overlooks
Chengdu’s central Tianfu Square.
Its five unique restaurants and bars offer guests a variety of global cuisine.
Building upon the foundations of The Ritz-Carlton’s
legendary personalized service, The Ritz-Carlton Club redefines the luxury
hospitality experience by offering an exceptional “hotel
within a hotel.” Its 1,700 square meters of function
space, as well as seven additional venues, makes The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu the
golden standard for professional catering and conference services.We firmly believe that with Mr. Summer Cho’s strong sense of
responsibility and execution, he will lead all the Ladies and Gentlemen of The
Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu to achieve extraordinary heights in their service to our
叶福南(Mr. Billy Yap)先生 上海新华联索菲特大酒店 总经理
近日,雅高集团及新华联集团正式任命叶福南(Mr. Billy Yap)先生为上海新华联索菲特大酒店总经理。叶先生拥有逾20年的酒店行业工作经验,先后就职于洲际、柏悦、君悦、凯悦、四季和千禧国敦酒店集团等高端国际酒店品牌。他深入了解中国市场,有着丰富的市场销售经验,善于根据客人的喜好定制个性化服务。此外,他善于在日常管理工作中建立一支高效、有凝聚力、充满活力的团队。除了提高自己的知识和技能外,他最大的梦想之一就是为所有酒店员工创造一个追求自己职业梦想的平台。闲暇之余,叶先生喜爱各类室内外运动如保龄球,潜水,单板滑雪及旅行等。在工作上不断挑战自己的他,在运动上也在探索着自己的极限。我们坚信,在叶福南总经理的卓越领导下,上海新华联索菲特大酒店必将焕新再出发,同时为宾客带来独一无二的入住体验。Accor Group and Macrolink Group are
delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Billy Yap as new General
Manager of Sofitel Shanghai Hongqiao.Mr. Billy Yap has more than 20
years-experience in hotel industry. He has worked in InterContinental,
Park Hyatt, Grand Hyatt and Hyatt Regency, Four Seasons Hotel and M&C Hotel
Group before joining Accor Group. He has tremendous Sales & Marketing
experiences with good understanding of overall market in China focusing on
creative and innovative product concept based on guest preferences. As a
result, he is good in building an efficient,cohesive and dynamic team in his
daily management work. Besides improving his knowledge and skill, one of his
biggest dream is to create a platform for all people to pursue their own career
dream in the hotel industry.In his spare time, Mr. Billy Yap enjoys
doing all kinds of indoor and outdoor activities games such as bowling, scuba
diving, snowboarding and leisure traveling.We strongly believe that Billy Yap will lead the
team to achieve higher business goals with unique guest experience under his
outstanding leadership.费文清先生 上海中庚聚龙酒店 总经理
近日,上海中庚聚龙酒店正式任命费文清先生(Gordon Fei)出任酒店总经理一职,全面负责酒店的整体运营及战略发展工作。费文清先生拥有超过15年的酒店行业管理经验,作为一位资深的酒店管理专业人士,他先后服务于多家酒店,事业轨迹遍及上海、北京、江浙一带等多个城市,在过去丰富的任职经历中积累了坚实的运营及管理经验;他曾担任两家网红酒店-浙江安吉JW万豪及北京长城脚下的公社(凯悦精选)的餐饮总监,制订了一系列提高餐饮销售的计划,取得显著佳绩。也曾在上海豫园万丽酒店、齐鲁万怡酒店、马来西亚希尔顿酒店等多家国际酒店担任重要职务,拥有丰富的国际酒店集团工作经验。2018年他被晋升为营运总监,先后在余杭万丽酒店及江阴黄嘉喜来登酒店全面负责酒店运营,在他的带领下,酒店在宾客体验、提升收益方面取得了骄人的成绩。用心服务、真诚沟通、高效专业是聚龍酒店的管理理念,费文清先生表示只有给予员工最大的尊重和信任,才可能相互理解,才能激发他们的潜能和创造力,组成一支优越的酒店队伍,把上海中庚聚龙酒店打造成为最优秀的酒店民族品牌。We are delighted to announce the appointment of Gordon Fei as
General Manager of Jeurong Hotel Shanghai from 08 Oct 2021.He will oversee the
hotel operations in all directions.Gordon has been working in hotel industry for more than 15 years. He
made his steps into many cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangsu and Zhejiang
area.With his rigorous and quality-oriented attitude as well as
professionalism, he has been working as Director of F&B at JW Marriott Anji
and the Great Wall,in the Unbound Collection by Hyatt, he succeed in leading
the F&B team to create better performance. He has also worked in many international
hotels such as Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel,Courtyard
Shanghai-Pudong and Hilton Malaysia. Before taking up his new position, Gordon
as the Director of operations at Renaissance Hangzhou Northeast Hotel and
Sheraton Jiangyin Hotel where he developed the leadership skills that has
ultimately led him to where he is today.We believe that with Gordon’s rich management experience,
outstanding leadership and keen market insight, He will lead the hotel to
steadily improve, create more brilliant achievements, continuously improve
service quality and bring true hospitality experience to more guests.王者临先生 平湖万怡酒店 总经理
近日,万豪酒店集团(Marriott Hotel Group)旗下平湖万怡酒店(Courtyard
Pinghu Hotel)正式任命王者临(Oliver Wang)先生为总经理。作为一位拥有十多年国际品牌酒店运营及管理经验的管理者,一直以来,王者临先生致力于精细化运营管理、提升服务品质、重视员工的培养和发展、关注宾客的需求和满意度以及酒店的市场战略制定与酒店整体品牌认知推广,其工作足迹遍布中国大陆并拥有多家全新目的地酒店的筹备管理经验。期待酒店在王者临先生的带领下,焕发全新活力,引领酒店管理团队及全体员工共同开启平湖万怡酒店的全新旅程。Marriott Hotel Group's Courtyard Pinghu
Hotel recently appointed Mr. Oliver Wang as General Manager.As a manager with more than 10 years of
international brand hotel operation and management experience, has been, Mr.
Oliver Wang is committed to fine operation management, improve service quality,
pay attention to the cultivation and development of staff, attention to guest
demand and satisfaction, as well as the hotel's market strategy formulation and
overall brand awareness promotion, He has worked throughout China and has a
number of new destination hotel preparation and management experience.Under the leadership of Mr. Wang Zhelin,
the hotel is expected to radiate new vitality and lead the hotel management
team and all employees to jointly start a new journey of courtyard by Marriott
Pinghu hotel.曹蕾女士 通化万峰北辰五洲皇冠酒店 总经理
近日,北京北辰酒店管理有限公司正式任命曹蕾女士担任通化万峰北辰五洲皇冠酒店总经理一职,将全面负责酒店筹备及运营管理工作。曹蕾女士拥有20余年酒店工作经验,特别是在度假酒店的经营方面有着极为丰富的运营管理经验。她曾先后在希尔顿酒店、喜来登酒店、香格里拉酒店、豪生酒店等国际知名酒店担任重要管理职务。履新前,她在安顺北辰五洲皇冠花园酒店担任总经理一职。曹蕾女士将通过长期积淀的酒店管理经验与深厚的度假酒店管理理念为通化万峰北辰五洲皇冠酒店注入全新的理念,为游客带来全新的入住体验。通化万峰北辰五洲皇冠酒店有幸作为北京北辰酒店管理有限公司入住东北地区首家高端度假酒店,相信凭借着曹蕾女士丰富的酒店管理经验与灵活的市场战略部署,必将与万峰通化滑雪度假区联袂打造通化冰雪项目的领军品牌,引领四季度假旅行的新风向。她将带领酒店管理团队不断弘扬酒店管理公司企业文化,日益进取、敢于创新、圆满完成酒店筹备及运营管理任务。Recently, Beijing North Star V-Continent
Hotel Management Co., Ltd. has appointed Ms. Sharon Cao as the General Manager
of V-Continent Tonghua Hotel. Ms. Sharon Cao has over 20 years work experience in the hospitality industry.
She is very proficient in the resort management, she had worked in many famous
hotels such as Hilton Hotels, Sheraton Hotels, Shangri-la Hotels, Howard
Johnson Hotels etc. She was the general manager of V-Continent Anshun Resort,
before this appointment.V-Continent Tonghua Hotel is honored to be
the first high-end Resort Hotel in Asia for Beijing North Star V-Continent
Hotel Management Co., Ltd. We believe that working with Tonghua Wanfeng
Industry Co., Ltd., we would create a leading brand of Tonghua ice and snow
project and lead the new trend of four seasons vacation traveling with Ms.
Sharon Cao rich hotel management experience and flexible market strategic
deployment. She will represent the new concept into V-Continent Tonghua Hotel by her deep
management experience, and make the new stay experience for the guests. She is
going to practice the team work habits and core value of 5V10C, actively &
creatively complete the hotel’s pre-opening and management target.陆卫先生 烟台世茂希尔顿酒店 营运总监
近日,烟台世茂希尔顿酒店任命陆卫先生(Mr. David Lu)为营运总监,全面负责运营部的日常管理工作。陆卫先生履新前担任青岛东方影都融创希尔顿逸林酒店营运总监一职,在他逾18年的职业生涯中,曾先后于多家国际品牌集团酒店担任要职,包括希尔顿、雅高、洲际酒店管理品牌等。多年工作经历使他的足迹遍及全国多个城市,且积累了丰富的酒店管理经验。不同地域的任职经验使得他擅于对比总结,逐渐形成对酒店运作管理,尤其是餐饮服务及运营管理的独到见解。相信陆卫先生凭借其丰富的人生阅历、创新管理模式以及行业洞察力,为酒店带来更多新机遇。Recently, Hilton Yantai appointed Mr. David
Lu as the Director of Operations, who is fully responsible for the daily management
of operation department.Before joining Hilton Yantai, Mr. David Lu
took the position as the Director of Operations at Double Tree by Hilton
Qingdao Oriental Movie Metropolis. During his over 18-year-professional career,
he has been worked in several international brand hotel groups including
Hilton, Accor and InterContinental.Years of work experience has enabled him to
travel across different cities and accumulated rich experience in hotel
management. His experience has made him gradually formed unique insights
especially in catering services and operation management.It is believed that Mr. David Lu, with his
rich life experience, innovative management model and industry insight will
bring more opportunities to Hilton Yantai.
孙新天先生 宁波万豪酒店 运营总监
近日,宁波万豪酒店任命孙新天(Peter Sun)先生为运营总监,全面负责酒店餐饮,房务和防损部的管理工作。孙新天先生拥有近30年丰富的国际品牌酒店工作背景及经历,曾服务于新世界、喜达屋、万豪等国际酒店集团。他最早于杭州黄龙饭店开启酒店职业之旅,之后服务于宁波东港喜来登酒店等国内外品牌酒店,并于2014年加入宁波万豪酒店。此次履新前,他担任宁波万豪酒店餐饮总监一职。他拥有丰富的餐饮运营管理经验,并在提升服务品质及宾客满意度方面有着卓越成绩,善于在工作中激发团队与个人潜能。我们相信,凭着其极强的责任心和执行力,以及其广阔的人脉和出色的领导能力,他将为宁波万豪酒店注入更多活力,把他丰富的经验、卓越的技能以及对万豪无比的热情继续带到工作中,继续为宁波万豪酒店创造非凡业绩。Recently, Ningbo Marriott Hotel is delighted
to announce the appointment of Mr. Xintian Sun as Director of Operation, who is
fully responsible for the hotel management including F&B, Rooms and L&P.Mr. Sun has 30 years' experience in the
hospitality industry, having worked in New World, Starwood,Marriott. Mr. Peter Sun started his
hotel career in Hangzhou Huanglong Hotel. After then, he served Ningbo Donggang
Hotel, Sheraton Ningbo Hotel and other international brand hotels. In 2014
Peter Sun rejoined Ningbo Marriott Hotel. Prior to this appointment, Peter Sun
served as Director of F&B in Ningbo Marriott Hotel. He has accumulated rich
experience in F&B operation and management. He has made outstanding
achievements in improving service quality and guest satisfaction. He is good at
stimulating team and individual potential in work.We believe that Mr. Peter Sun, with his
efficient execution, leadership skills and strong background in F&B, there
is no doubt that Mr. Peter Sun will lead the operation team to another success,
and committed to achieving outstanding performance for Ningbo Marriott Hotel.
黎小维女士 海口华彩华邑酒店 财务及业务支持总监
彭峰先生 合肥融侨皇冠假日酒店 财务及业务支持总监
InterContinental Hotels Group officially appointed Mr. James Peng as Crowne
Plaza Hefei Rongqiao Director of Finance & Business Support, fully
responsible for the financial management of the hotel.Mr. James Peng has
nearly 16 years of hotel financial management experience. He has successively
worked in the financial department of international brand hotels such as
Shangri La, Hilton and Marriott. He has accumulated rich hotel management
experience in many posts in the process of serving different international
hotel management companies and owners of brand hotels. Prior to this
appointment, Mr. James Peng served as Director of Finance at
the Westin Fuzhou Minjiang.He will lead the
financial team of Crowne Plaza Hefei Rongqiao, adhering to the service concept
of " Experience extraordinary every moment" of InterContinental Hotel
Group, and provide high-quality services to both internal and customers. It is believed
that his rich financial management experience will bang Crowne Plaza Hefei
Rongqiao to achieve more brilliant results!
步燕媚女士 Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村 市场销售总监
近日,Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村正式任命步燕媚女士出任市场销售总监,步燕媚女士将协助总经理开展筹备开业工作,同时将全面负责度假村的市场开发、营销推广等工作。步燕媚女士于2011年开启酒店职业生涯,拥有10年的酒店市场销售工作经验。曾先后服务于凯悦、万豪、香格里拉等品牌。此次履新之前,步燕媚女士在苏州柏悦酒店担任市场销售部总监,负责制定销售策略,推展市场计划,管理客户等工作。在全新的职业旅途中,步燕媚女士将利用其专业能力和丰富的实践经验,带领市场销售团队为Club Med Joyview千岛湖度假村不断创造市场佳绩。Recently, Club Med Joyview Thousand Island Resort has officially appointed Ms. Pucca Bu as the Director of Sales and Marketing. Ms. Pucca Bu will assist General Manager foropening preparation and will be fully responsible for the resort’s market development, promotion and communication.Ms. Pucca Bu started her hotel career in 2011 and has10 years of experience in hotel marketing and sales. She has served severalinternational brands such as Hyatt, Marriott, and Shangri-La. Prior to this new role, Ms. Pucca Bu served as theDirector of Sales and Marketing at Park Hyatt Suzhou, was responsible for salesstrategy planning, marketing communication, and managing guests resources and relationship. In this new career journey, Ms. Pucca Bu will leverage herprofessional capability and rich practical experience to lead the Marketing andSales team to continuously create the excellent performance for Club Med Joyview Thousand Island Resort.
陈东强先生 九龙仓集团 常州马哥孛罗酒店 市场营销总监
近日,陈东强(Mr. Jeff Chen)先生正式被任命为常州马哥孛罗酒店市场销售总监,全面负责酒店的市场与营销运作管理工作。Jeff Chen先生于2008年正式加入酒店行业,职业生涯开始于常州金陵江南大酒店,在酒店市场销售领域拥有超过13年的从业及管理经验。先后在金陵、喜来登、威斯汀等国际知名酒店集团中担任管理职务,如嘉兴福朋喜来登酒店市场销售总监、苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店销售总监。作为一名资深酒店人士,JeffChen先生将以其丰富的战略管理与实践经验,敏锐的市场洞察力,卓越的销售技能以及领导才能,为常州马哥孛罗酒店注入新的活力,带领酒店市场销售团队再创佳绩。
邓绍东先生 长沙世茂希尔顿酒店 行政总厨
杜非先生 济南香格里拉 行政总厨
杜非先生在餐饮行业拥有30余年的丰富经验,在加入济南香格里拉之前,他曾先后服务于凯宾斯基、香格里拉、万豪、洲际酒店集团等旗下多家品牌酒店。在香格里拉酒店集团工作期间, 先后任职于成都香格里拉,沈阳香格里拉,秦皇岛香格里拉,于2021年8月加入济南香格里拉。并曾多次受邀于吉隆坡香格里拉、中国大饭店、大连香格里拉、台北远东香格里拉、香港港岛香格里拉、香港游艇会、印尼雅加达香格里拉,泰国香格里拉等多个香格里拉酒店集团旗下酒店献艺交流,为当地的美食爱好者奉上美食盛宴,并于2019年新加坡樟宜机场参与“香聚”品牌餐厅的策划执行和开幕,他的代表作品至今都作为香格里拉酒店集团的经典作品广为流传。杜非先生屡次获得行业内外各项殊荣:于2003年的四川省餐饮权威比赛——暨名店、名菜、名师的“三名”评选中,杜非先生从成都百家名店中脱颖而出荣获烹饪名师的称号;于2013年中外酒店评选中获得“十大白金总厨”的称号;杜先生曾带领酒店厨房、宴会团队,完成超高规格的接待,其中包括:第四届西博会开幕晚宴、2013年的世界财富论坛闭幕宴会及2016年3600余人的世界航线大会闭幕晚宴。并参与接待了泰国公主、新加坡总理、美国前副总统拜登等各国政要和明星艺人的用餐,得到四川省外事接待办的高度认可及肯定。杜非先生拥有深厚的烹知识,并且在川粤菜烹饪方面拥有超高的造诣。对美食的热爱、对烹饪的热情以及自身天赋使他备受行业及食客们的认可。他擅于运用新鲜时令食材不断研发新的菜品,菜色风味广泛,不断为品味一流的食客们带来新的灵感和惊喜。祖籍四川成都的杜非先生,除了热爱美食,对工作拥有高度热忱之外,还十分热爱旅行。热情开朗擅于探索的他喜欢在旅行中深入到当地的美食文化,从中汲取各种灵感,融入到自己的菜品研发中。“杜非先生卓越的餐饮行业背景及经验铸就了他成为一名出色的餐饮领导者,欢迎他加入济南香格里拉这个大家庭,杜非先生将全面负责济南香格里拉餐饮厨房的运营工作,包括咖啡泉自助餐厅、大堂酒廊、行政酒廊,另外还有客房送餐服务,宴会及会议。相信他将为泉城美食爱好者们带来更多惊艳的创意美味。”济南香格里拉驻店经理-李奉女士如是说。
庞文强先生 佛山君御温德姆至尊酒店 行政总厨
近日,佛山君御温德姆至尊酒店正式任命庞文强先生担任行政总厨一职。作为行政总厨,庞先生将负责酒店所有的餐饮出品,包括屡次荣获“最佳酒店中餐厅”奖项的君御轩中餐厅;可欣赏西江仿若画卷般“渔舟唱晚”旖旎美景的普罗旺斯全日餐厅、可预订定制菜品的和风日本料理;以及因超挑高的空间及鱼鳞海螺等设计而备受推崇的星月大堂吧。庞文强总厨有着近31年的烹饪经验,曾在索菲特、温德姆等多家国际品牌酒店任职。来自美食之都广州的庞文强主厨成长于一个热爱美食的家庭。在他的家庭里,用餐时间是与家人欢聚、感情交流的温情时刻,有着举足轻重的地位。“我祖父母的粤菜虽然食材简单但厨艺极为精湛,他们做出的粤菜,是我们整个家庭的完美回忆” 他说,“体会通过美食传达情感与享受,这理念一直深植于我的内心,也让我从很小的时候就立志要成为一名厨师。”在佛山君御温德姆至尊酒店,庞文强总厨秉持“原汁原味”的餐厅哲学,呈现一系列以丰富多变的天然时令食材为灵感来源的粤式菜肴。他聚焦于优质、新鲜的食材本身,同时展现简单本真的独特滋味。“我通常会选择一种当季又富有美感的食材作为一道菜品的主角,然后尝试能最大化地保留食材天然的滋味的方法烹饪” 他说:“这是一个不断尝试、再重新定义的创新的过程。再用同样的方法去构思设计配菜。这个由主、配菜构成的主角搭建完毕后,我会调制一种特别的酱汁,将餐盘上的所有风味巧妙融于一体。无边界的进行创新,例如我将经典的粤式点心“虾饺” ,搭配川味藤椒入饺以及调制酸酸甜甜的酱汁,令味觉达到更上一层楼的尝鲜体验。”对食客们来说,这将是一段极为独特、难忘的味觉之旅。这是庞文强主厨过去的客人们对他烹饪技艺的评价。他说:“食客们的满意度激励着我不断探索进取,通过持续的精进钻研,将自己的烹饪技艺发挥到极致”。
杨锦财先生 成都托尼洛·兰博基尼酒店 行政管家
近期,成都托尼洛·兰博基尼酒店宣布任命杨锦财先生(Mr. Carl Yang)为酒店客房部行政管家,全面负责酒店客房部运营工作。杨锦财先生拥有十五年的国际及国内品牌酒店客房管理工作经验,从2006年6月开始他的酒店职业生涯之旅,先后工作于洲际、万豪国际酒店管理集团旗下酒店,积累了丰富的酒店筹备、客房运营管理经验。他善于把控细节,致力于为每一位客人提供干净舒适和个性化的住宿体验。Tonino Lamborghini Hotel Chengdu is pleased to announce the appointmentof Mr. Yang as the Executive Housekeeper.Mr. Yang has 15 years of experience in hotel housekeeping management of international and local hotel groups. Since June 2006, he has worked in IHG hotels and Marriott International hotels, and accumulated rich experience inhotel pre-opening and housekeeping operation management. He has aneye for details and is committed to providing clean, comfortable andpersonalized accommodation experience for every guest.
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往期精彩: 【酒店任命】华住、华邑、万豪、君澜、皇冠假日酒店等最新任命信息,为人气投票