
【软调雷鬼摇摆舞曲】摇曳生姿炙热逼人,真实而毫不掩饰俗丽暧昧的女人花Stars Are Blind-

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【软调雷鬼摇摆舞曲】摇曳生姿炙热逼人,真实而毫不掩饰俗丽暧昧的女人花Stars Are Blind- Paris Hilton

《Paris》是一张非常优秀的流行音乐专辑,有时会刻意让人联想到Blondie、Madonna和Gwen Stefani,但又有自己鲜明的特点--即Paris的人设,无耻地浅薄,没有任何深度。这在电影或整个流行文化中可能会让人恼火,但放在一张闪亮的、充满诱惑力的舞曲流行专辑中,却能发挥得淋漓尽致,尤其是因为歌曲很强势,Storch和公司知道如何保持轻松--每个人都知道玩弄Paris的形象很有趣。不管是她在唱片开头喃喃自语 "真性感",还是翻唱罗德-斯图尔特的 "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy",或者是在令人愉悦的 "Jealousy "中写下她与妮可-里奇的恩怨。" 她的声音--几乎可以肯定是由电脑自动调音和调整的,但它还是很吸引人,比Britney Spears经常笨拙的叫声更吸引人--可能会融入到制作中,但这实际上有助于录音,因为它强调旋律高于一切。

Everybody's looking at me

But it's alright, I like attention

The club's not hot until I walk through

They stop and stare and watch me move

Like "Damn, I like that"

I'm sexy and you know it

Clap your hands

Oh, it's like that

I'm not afraid to show it, understand?

Yeah, I'm hot, bitch

Don't be mad at me go check your man

Girls and boys are looking at me

I can't blame 'em 'cause I'm sexy, ow!

Don't care who's watching me

I do just what I want

Just 'cause I dance with you

Don't mean you're getting some

Don't get excited baby

'Cause I might turn you on

Turn you on, turn you out

Give 'em something to write about

All the boys are looking up at me

As I dance on the table top

Tonight I'll be their liquid dreams

They want a piece of what I got

Damn I like that

She's sexy and she's shaking over me

She's hot and I can't take her

I need a drink

I'm hot yeah

She's cooler than I ever thought she'd be

Don't dance too close, I might turn you on

Don’t try to impress me, my papers no

Don’t believe all that you read my ish out loud

We can dance all night but you ain’t getting none, none

Sorry I turned you on

Take a cold shower when you get home

帕丽斯·希尔顿 (Paris Hilton) 不仅是美国著名模特、演员、歌手、作家、商人和设计师,更是名正言顺的希尔顿集团继承人,拥有挪威、德国、爱尔兰、意大利4国血统的混血儿。“含着金汤匙出生”的她和闺蜜林赛·罗韩同为It Girl代表中的代表,她的发型、着装,都是备受瞩目的热门娱乐话题,她参与拍摄的品牌广告和真人秀节目,都有不俗的市场效应,她的出现为这个时代注入了新的活力,代表的影视作品有《恐怖蜡像馆》。


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