

发表于 2020-11-13 18:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Vladivostok is a Russian seaport city, the capital and the future gateway of the Far East, with a focus on tourism development.


Following the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Shenzhen, GANI successfully bid for the Hyatt Hotel in Vladivostok Russia by virtue of the advantages of delivery time, color, price and maintenance cost. With excellent product quality and attentive service, GANI are favored by designers and owners. Adhering to the concept of customer first, the professional team at headquarters can provide customers with an overall solution, reflecting the precise high-end service and professionalism, to reduce customer costs and improve project benefits.




西班牙米黄 / 客房浴室、米白洞石 / 外墙干挂 

用量:8000 方

Crema Marfil / Bathroom,  Ivory Travertino / Facade 

Quantity: 8000 m²


"Unattainable" design drawings?


We found that the drawing given to us by the design unit is very different from the drawing in China, the side groove is 1.2mm, the groove is 3.5mm away from the tile surface, which means that the groove is not centered but closer to the surface. The project engineers all thought that it is impossible to realize. Because it is easier to fracture when processing, secondly, the exterior walls are more likely to break down when fighting wind resistance.


But the owner insisted that the relevant drawings issued by the design unit in accordance with the strict construction standards in Europe, and refused to modify them. According to this processing requirements, the damage rate is very high. 


Customer first, GANI strives to overcome all problems


Our engineers of facade projects offered two proposals. But their engineer said that the keel for this dry hanging had been finished and could not be changed because of product.


Adhering to the principle of customer first, to solve their difficulties, after a week of repeated research and measuring, we finally decided to test. It took a day to get the right blade from all over the city.


With excellent quality and stable performance, the test of GANI product is successful!


The result of the test was satisfactory. Our products are high quality with great hardness, no deformation, the owner and contractor were happy that GANI products have achieved the effect they wanted, both in stone effect restoration and stable performance, which not only solved the construction problem, but also reduced the cost.


Due to the high requirements on blade, tile and machine, we can not process too fast, which makes our delivery time relatively slow, but customers were very satisfied with our technology and products and willing to wait. The customer highly praised GANI and indicated that there is a big chance he will choose GANI for his next project!

作为大理石瓷砖的原创者和领导者,简一运用最新科技 99.9% 还原天然石材的自然美感、矿脉感和温润感。除了做好产品,更要做好服务,客户的满意度就是我们的动力,简一将一如既往从心出发、真诚利他,以客户价值为导向来做好服务,为客户创造最大价值。

As the pioneer and leader of marble tiles, Gani uses the latest technology to restore 99.9% of the natural beauty, vein and texture of natural stone. In addition to good products, it is more important to provide good service. Customer satisfaction is our motivation. As always, GANI will continue to do its best to serve our customers from the heart and to create maximum value for our customers.


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