

发表于 2020-10-8 13:54:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Some of The Boldest Cruise Ship Waterslides


The cruise lines have added bigger and bolder waterslides to their ships, with steeper drops, more curves and offering more excitement across the fleet.



Ultimate Abyss – Royal Caribbean

终极深渊 - 皇家加勒比

Ten decks high and almost 220 feet long, this pair of side-by-side slides offer a thrill from start to finish. There is a special mat included that makes sure there is no risk of an accident. The ride can be found on the four Royal Caribbean ships.

这对十层甲板高,长近 220 英尺,这条两边对称的滑梯让人从始至终都保持兴奋。这个滑道设计了一个特殊的垫子,可以确保没有事故风险。该游乐设施可以在四艘皇家加勒比船只上找到。


AquaDunk – Disney

水上乐园 - 迪士尼

The slide starts with a heart-pumping bombardier-style hatch that will lead to a free-fall as soon as it opens up. This three-story high ride lasts for about seven seconds. The tubes stretch 20 feet overboard and the transparent walls will allow guests to see the ocean from a very unique perspective. This slide is available aboard the Disney Magic.

滑道从令人心碎的庞巴迪式舱口开始,一旦打开舱口,立马就会感受到失重的自由下落体验。这趟三层高的骑行将持续大约七秒。管子向上延伸 20 英尺,透明的墙壁可以让客人从非常独特的角度看到海洋。该滑道足以让客人体验到迪士尼魔法的魅力。


Tidal Wave – Royal Caribbean

潮汐波 - 皇家加勒比

The Tidal Wave is the first of its kind on a cruise ship and it does not disappoint. This ride will allow guests to plummet and rebound. The constant jet of water will make sure that guests will reach the top of the boomerang.



AquaDuck – Disney

水鸭 – 迪士尼

This slide/coaster has guests ride on a two-person raft from the height of four decks. The length is pretty robust as well, at 765 feet, and most of the time passengers are sliding around 13 feet above the deck, from where they can gaze at the ocean from the height of 150 feet.

客人从四层甲板的高度乘坐两人手筏。765 英尺的长度也相当感人,大多数时候乘客都在甲板上方 13 英尺左右滑动,从那里他们可以从 150 英尺的高度凝视海洋。


Twister – Carnival

Twister – 嘉年华

This spiraling slide is the perfect ride for guests said to be seeking a well-balanced slide. At 340 feet there is no height or weight limitation set.

这个螺旋滑道据说是寻求平衡滑梯的客人的最佳骑行。长度仅为340 英尺,没有高度或重量限制。


Aqua Racer – Norwegian


This slide can be used with inner tubes as a single or double-ride. The marine-life theme looks great on a cruise ship and keeps up the feeling of an exotic vacation. The slide has even a completely see-through section from where guests can see the ocean for a second, right before you go back into pitch black.



Forest Aquaventure – MSC

水上森林冒险 – MSC

At a whopping (and looping) 367 feet in length with clear sides, the Forest Aquaventure’s crown jewel is without a doubt its fast and sleek slide. This slide extends almost completely overboard, so guests will a pretty clear view of the ocean.

森林水族馆的皇冠宝石长 367 英尺,两侧透明清晰,速度毋庸置疑。这条水上滑道几乎完全凸出船体,客人在游玩过程可以清晰地看到大海。


Free Fall – Norwegian


The Free Fall will drop guests as fast as gravity allows following a adrenaline-building countdown sequence.



Vertigo – MSC

眩晕 – MSC

This almost 400 feet long and more than 40 feet high slide is among the largest and most innovative at sea. The drop takes guests through four decks.

这张长近 400 英尺、高度超过40 英尺的滑梯是海上最大、最具创新性的滑梯之一。下滑过程将带领客人穿过四层甲板。



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