
困扰全球热门景点的“过度旅游”难题 | 双语阅读

发表于 2020-6-11 17:12:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



《多希望你不在》(Wish you weren’t here)




Wish you weren’t here


The number of holidaymakers is booming. Too many are visiting the same places


Ever since the fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797, locals have complained that Venice, its former capital, is being overrun by visitors. Having spent decades trying to attract tourists, the city council is now rethinking its approach. In May it erected pedestrian gates across the historic neighbourhood’s main entrances. When crowds get too thick, the police will close them, limiting access to locals who possess a special pass. Although this will restrict the number of visitors, the idea of ticketed entry has upset some locals. “It’s the last step to becoming Disneyland,” sighs one of the city’s urban planners.

It is not only Venetians who think there are too many tourists. In Amsterdam locals are fed up with stag parties, unused to mixing alcohol and cannabis, leaving a trail of litter and vomit. In July protesters attacked tourist buses in Valencia, Palma de Mallorca and Barcelona (where one piece of graffiti read: “tourists go home, refugees welcome”). The newest word to enter the travel industry’s lexicon is “overtourism”, which was coined to describe the consequences of having too many visitors.

Governments are starting to react. In March President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines banned tourists from the popular island of Boracay for six months, because too many visitors and too few sewers had made it a “cesspool”. On October 10th the Thai government restricted overnight stays on the Similan islands. And cities throughout Europe are beginning to investigate ways to crack down on overcrowding, home-sharing websites and anti-social behaviour.

This backlash might seem odd. The World Travel and Tourism Council, a trade body, says that tourism directly accounts for nearly 3% of the world’s GDP. The industry employs 5% of the world’s workforce. McKinsey, a consultancy, reckons that one in five new jobs are generated by tourism.
这种抵制看上去似乎有些奇怪。行业组织世界旅游理事会(World Travel and Tourism Council)表示,全球GDP有近3%是旅游业直接贡献的。全世界劳动力有5%受雇于旅游业。咨询公司麦肯锡估计,新增岗位中有五分之一是旅游业创造的。

Policymakers also like its economic effects on poorer countries. Whereas oil drilling and mining employ relatively few people, tourism employs legions. And it can help the rest of the economy to develop, since policies designed to attract tourists, such as easy visas and good policing, also lure foreign investors.

The growing backlash against tourism has coincided with extraordinary growth in visitor numbers. According to the World Tourism Organisation, an agency of the United Nations, the number of international visitors making overnight stays grew to 1.3bn in 2017. That is twice the number in 2000, and more than four times the level in 1980. Even so, the rise in numbers is not the real problem, says Alex Dichter of McKinsey. “People in 99% of countries in the world are crying out for more, not fewer, tourists,” he explains. The problem is that these extra tourists are converging on the same places.
抵制游客的呼声变大发生在游客数量高速增长之时。联合国组织机构世界旅游组织(World Tourism Organisation)的数字显示,2017年,在旅游地过夜的国际游客数量增至13亿人,是2000年的两倍,1980年的四倍多。虽如此,真正的问题还不在于数字增长,麦肯锡的艾利克斯·迪西特(Alex Dichter)表示。“全世界99%的国家的人们都迫切想要吸引更多游客,而不是更少。”他解释说。问题在于这些多出来的游客都一窝蜂地去了相同的地方。

This has surprised many in the travel industry. The spread of the internet was meant to disperse tourists by making less well-known places easier to find. Why has the opposite happened? Analysts at Skift, a travel website, attribute it to the rise of “bucket lists”. Popularised by a film of the same name in 2007, which featured a “list of things to do before I kick the bucket”, these internet lists direct tourists to the same “must see” places. The desire for the perfect Instagram snap has a similar result.

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《多希望你不在》(Wish you weren’t here)已发布在《经济学人·商论》2018年十二月刊欢迎下载商论App双语阅读,聆听原声音频。订阅更可同步解锁商论发刊至今的2000余篇往期文章,包括1000多篇文章的英文原声音频。





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