
《大酒店》十二月封面故事:经典传承 扬帆远航 ——专访重庆来福士洲际酒店蒲克南先生

发表于 2020-12-29 18:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

A Classic Sailing Boat to Future Success

——Exclusive Interview with Mr. Achim Brueckner,

General Manager of InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City


经典传承 扬帆远航



酒店雄踞朝天门龙头位置,位于都会核心来福士商圈, 坐拥长江、嘉陵两江美景,离解放碑、洪崖洞等知名景点近在咫尺。总经理蒲克南先生说道:“重庆是个网红城市,我们不光离景点商圈近,酒店本身也是个地标性景点,酒店正对的朝天门广场对重庆本地人来说是一个充满情怀的地方,酒店的建筑也是一个奇观,吸引了很多游客甚至本地人来打卡。”重庆来福士洲际酒店拥有历史感和时尚感兼备的城市特点,同时又继承了洲际集团诠释的“经典”。“洲际集团品牌特质之一就是与本地的联结,我们相信我们的客人来到一个地方是为了拥有真正的本地化体验,所以对本地文化的洞悉和升华贯穿在我们的服务和产品中。” 蒲克南先生解释道。

重庆来福士洲际酒店从外观设计上,印有“山水之城”的特点,国际知名建筑大师摩西·萨夫迪(Moshe Safdie)及其设计团队根据朝天门广场的地形特点,以渝中半岛的地形和山城历史文化为灵感,在长江、嘉陵江交汇处的朝天门打造了这组形似“帆船”、由八栋摩天大楼组成的建筑群。两栋超高层建筑如同“帆船”的桅杆,重庆来福士洲际酒店便位于其中一根桅杆的顶部,采用突破性的弧线形结构,仿佛“帆船”正在乘风破浪、扬帆远航。蒲克南先生着重介绍道:“TheCrystal水晶连廊的正式开放标志着重庆来福士的最终落成,这座300米长的水平摩天大楼坐落在250米处,横跨八座大楼中的四座。萨夫迪建筑事务所设计的重庆来福士从本质上回应了这片特殊的场地,作为对城市特色以及山地景观和极端气候的双重回应。该项目体现了在高度发达的城市中心内解决人口密度、社区连通性和城市更新等问题的成熟思考。”

酒店如同一艘大船扬帆起航,其房间设计也呼应延续了“帆船”的概念。高居44至65层的380间豪华客房及套房,创意引用游艇客舱的视觉元素。房间每个角落都充满着曲线美,让人感到舒适愉快。蒲克南先生补充道:“酒店所有的客房都是景观客房,落地窗之外便是迷人山水夜景。房间设施上,酒店定制的皮具、配备的戴森吹风机、Tivoli蓝牙音箱、Nespresso咖啡机和和智能电视系统IHG Studio等多种人性化的科技应用则是为了让客人在感知本地氛围的同时拥有与洲际品牌匹配的奢华的居停感受。”




The city of Chongqing is a melting pot. The spectacular landscape earned it the name of the “Mountain City”, and the two rivers passing through carried it the fame of the “River City”. Clouds and mysterious fog surround this “City of Fog”. Summers last longer here, and winters are warmer. The landscape, the scenery, the specialties and the hospitality of its people have gained Chongqing great popularity among the younger generation and on social media. On August 1, 2020, the opening of InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City, the iconic InterContinental Hotels Group skyscraper hotel, unveiled yet another landmark in this attractive city.


Located at the prime spot of the Chaotianmen Square and in the center of the core Jiefangbei business zone, InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City enjoys the fantastic view of both Jialing River and Yangtze River, within easy reach to famous tourist attractions such as Jiefangbei and Hongyadong. “Chongqing is a highly-recognized tourist destination on social media. Our hotel is within easy walking distance to the shopping mall and scenic spots. The Chaotianmen Square right beneath us is full of cultural heritage. Meanwhile, the hotel itself is an architectural masterpiece. These factors attracted visitors and local residents to the hotel,” said Mr. Achim Brueckner, General Manager of InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City. InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City interprets the classic brand heritage of InterContinental and combines it with the trendy and fashionable atmosphere in Chongqing. “Localization is one of InterContinental’s brand characteristics. We believe guests visit a place to experience the authentic local culture, and thus we incorporated our understanding and interpretation of the local culture in our services and products,” Achim explained.


The architectural design of Raffles City Chongqing by the globally renowned architect Moshe Safdie and his design team was inspired by the landscape of Yuzhong Peninsula and the local culture of the “Mountain City”. Fitting the landscape of Chaotianmen Square, the team created a sailboat -shaped collection of eight skyscrapers at Chaotianmen, facing both the Jialing River and the Yangtze River. InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City is located right on top of one “mast” of this “sailing boat”, featuring a breakthrough arc-shaped structure, as if the “sailing boat” is breaking the winds and waves. “The Crystal, an enclosed 300-meter-long horizontal sky bridge that sits atop four of the eight buildings at a height of 250 meters, is the crown jewel of Raffles City Chongqing. Designed by Safdie Architects, Raffles City Chongqing responds to the city's character as well as its mountainous landscape and extreme climate. The project embodies a considered approach to issues of population density, community connectivity, and urban renewal within a highly developed city center,” Achim introduced.


Resembling the exterior design, the interior design of InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City also adopts the theme of sailing boats, incorporating elements of luxurious cruise ship cabins into its 380 luxury guest rooms and suites on the 44th to 65th floor. The curvy design brings an extra sense of comfort to guests. “All guest rooms and suites are river view rooms with floor-to-ceiling windows facing the charming scenery of mountains, rivers and the city. In terms of facilities, we have customized leather items, Dyson hairdryer, Tivoli Bluetooth speakers and wireless charger, Nespresso coffee machine and smart TV system IHG Studio, among all our cutting edge offers to infuse destination stay experience with the luxury flair of the InterContinental brand,” Achim added.


Chongqing is a city of gastronomy, and InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City aims to woo the city with its selection of drinks and cuisines. During the interview, Achim introduced Sky Garden Restaurants & Bars. “When designing the concept of our restaurants, we wished to minimize the impression of hotel outlets by positioning our bars and restaurants beyond hotel dining rooms, they should be destinations that attract guests of their own. Sky Garden Restaurants & Bars on the 42nd floor is located inside the magnificent Crystal, combining five restaurants and bars and featuring a real botanical environment at a height of 250 meters. Botanica replicates the atmosphere of picnics and outdoor gatherings with elements such as herbs, food trucks, graffiti and street lamps. Decorated with contrasting palettes of black and gold, turquoise and orange, Jing Dining Room & Bar presents authentic Cantonese cuisine and fusion dishes inspired by local flavors and spices specially crafted by former Executive Chef of Hakkasan Shanghai, Jeff Tan, plus an extensive wine and cocktail menu. Wine, whisky and cocktail drinks are available for guests at The Maven, along with Mediterranean nibbles and gourmets. Horizon offers an amazing view of the Chongqing skyline for guests enjoying an afternoon tea time. ”

With a wealth of over 30 years of experience in hotel management across the globe, Achim understands luxury the way it should be. For Achim, luxury service should go beyond simply applying high-tech facilities, but to be around, considerate, attentive, and always go an extra mile. “InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City embodies True Hospitality, sharing knowledge and taking care of guest to turn a stay into an experience. We are committed to embrace the local culture whilst exceling in our brand hallmarks to create personalized services for our guests,” Achim said. In his philosophy of delivering great guest experience, Achim attaches great importance to team work. During the interview, Achim shared his insights in team management, “Empowering and communication are important facets of team management. I encourage my team to improve communication across departments through meetings and team building activities, ensuring that every individual understands our current goals and priorities. We practice problem handling in scenarios and I encourage my team to make decisions independently. Every mistake, as long as it is reflected upon afterward, will be fundamental to making the next right decision. As our team has members from all over the globe, smooth communication and effective decision-making are essential to us.”


The year 2020 had been quite eventful against careful planners’ wishes. “Our opening was originally planned in the beginning of this year. Due to the pandemic, we delayed the opening till August, and still have half of the rooms and few restaurants yet to open,” said Achim on the impact of the pandemic. Yet changes are accompanied by surprises. “We knew we had to drive F&B, and that remained our strategy throughout. We were especially mindful of the needs and wants of the locals, and we did numerous research on how to cater to the taste buds of a city with such a distinct gourmet culture, eventually in our Sky Garden Restaurants & Bars, we made sure we have something for everyone. With the social media influence and smooth recovery of Chongqing, we had a fairly smooth start. Since overseas travels are limited and domestic city tourism is booming, our hotel easily became a prime choice for tourists.” In fact, the opening of InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City has been a proven success, the sailing boat that is InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City will certainly ride the waves and winds towards a bright future.


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